Army Of Two

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February 2014

*Olly's P.O.V*

It was a week until Marie was due and everyone was going crazy, i'd get a text every 2 minutes 'How's y/n?' 'Has she gone into labor yet?' It was good how much they cared but it did get annoying. "Babe..." I heard her shout from upstairs. I shot up. "I think I need to go to the hospital. My waters have broke." I rushed, grabbed her bag, pillow and car keys. I helped her downstairs and into the car. We arrived at the hospital, parked the car, and rushed her to reception where the put y/n in a wheel chair they pushed her up to the ward and got her a bed. She held my hand and I gave her loads of support. She wasn't angry like most woman she was emotional and in a lot of pain. We were there 10 minutes (if that) before they told y/n to start pushing. It was so amazing to see a baby be born (of course I saw Louie being born but it's different when it's your own). Marie was live and well and so was y/n. It was now 7 pm and y/n and Marie were allowed to go home. I went to get the car seat. We buckled her in and we set off home. y/n fell straight to sleep and so did Marie. During the night we took it in turns to feed her. After a couple days she was settled in and we had, had loads of guests. Me, and y/n decided that we would spend a week with Marie with no guests and the family agreed.

One Week Later

*Your P.O.V*

It was so cute seeing Olly with Marie. I knew he had always wanted a family and now he had one. Watching them together just made me so happy especially when he thinks i'm asleep and he's playing with her... The hard labor and 9 months of extra weight was really worth it now i'm seeing them two together. I've started going back to the gym to shift some of this weight from carrying Marie. It had been my birthday, Olly took me out for a lovely meal. But, less than 4 months until the wedding and I was quite nervous, although it's what I've always wanted, I'm still nervous. What if he leaves, what if he doesn't want to get married, what if I don't, what happens if he doesn't like my dress? I'm just so nervous. Me and Olly still needed to pick a cake, so Ellie offered to have Marie while we went. We let her because she was a godmother and it was nice to just have an hour of me and Olly. After an hour we had picked a cake and finished off buying decorations and Robbie had offered to play for us and we happily agreed. We went home and Marie was asleep. We thanked Ellie and she told me that she was moving down to Essex because Luke was harassing her. Olly offered her a room (due to him having a 5 bedroom home) she took it up and soon moved down. One night she made me and Olly a meal and she looked after Marie. We both adored Marie but it was nice to have a night to our selves once in a while. Over the months Ellie got a boyfriend and moved out (she started dating George Ezra! She had always had a crush on him.) With her gone though me and Olly could kiss whenever without her going "Eww. Gross, get a room, some of us don't have love!" She was so childish sometimes.

May 14th (Olly's Birthday)

*Your P.O.V* 

I had asked Vickylynn to look after Marie for the day after we had been to see them on the morning. They happily said yes.I was going to spoil Olly just like he did on my birthday. After he went round to see them, we said good bye to Marie and I took Olly out. The first place was paintball with 'the lads' we got in teams of 2 and me and Olly destroyed them all. After that, I took him bowling where I had bought him a new shirt, jeans and shoes. Then finally to his favorite restaurant--- Nando's. We had finished eating and were waiting for desert and he held my hand. He looked deeply into my eyes for quite a while, I got a little bit worried... 

*Olly's P.O.V*

As we were waiting for our food in Nando's I held y/n's hand and looked deep into her eyes. I got lost in them, they sparkled just perfectly especially in the light blue dress she was wearing. I noticed her looking worried when I finally spoke. " Thank you for today darl. It means a lot that you would go through all this just to make me happy. I love you loads y/n, and I can't wait for the day to come when I get to call you Mrs. Murs." She Smiled nervously. "Babe? Is everything alright?" She just nodded and started to cry. " Babe, tell me what's wrong." I held her hand tighter. She finally replied. " I just wish my mum could be with me at the wedding but, I can't bring her back..." She let another tear out I got out my seat and gave her a hug. " Hey darl, when we get back I have a surprise for you. Okay?" She nodded. " But your not getting it unless you stop crying." She stopped and smiled. "That's better." I said before kissing her and sitting down for desert. 

*Your P.O.V* 

I was so eager to get home. We had picked Marie up. Said thanks. Put her to bed and I had sat on the sofa when Olly walked in with a box. I smiled and looked confused at the same time. He handed me it without saying a word. I opened it picked a shoe up and looked at it. "I know it doesn't make up for her not being here but at least she can walk down the aisle with you..."  I started crying and kissed Olly. "Thank you babe. I love you." He smiled. "I love you too." (Olly had gotten me a pair of heels with a picture of my mum on.) I put them in the box and put them upstairs. While there I put my pj's on and grabbed the duvet. I pulled it over me and Olly as we cuddled up on the sofa. I nearly fell asleep before Olly gave me a piggy back upstairs. ( He must really love me- haha). He put me down on the bed, laid next to me, pulled the cover over me and we hugged and fell asleep.

*Couple months later... THE WEDDING!*

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