You need me and i need you...

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*Ollys p.o.v*
As promised, I went back the next day, I took sweets, my guitar and a notebook and pen. When I arrived she was still asleep and for some reason I could imagine waking up to that everyday... I put my stuff down and went to get us breakfast. I got us a cooked breakfast with tea. When I got back she was up. "Oh, I hope I didn't wake you." I asked worried. She giggled, "no, I just woke up, come sit." So i did. We had breakfast and started...

*your p.o.v*
Olly did wake me up but he looked so guilty so I denied it. After breakfast we talked abit and started. I could play guitar so I strummed some notes. I asked him for a theme and he replied with "love, wanting to be loved but being afraid or not knowing the person." I nodded and strummed and I came out with "I wonder how you kiss first thing in the morning..."

*Ollys p.o.v*

The song sounded great! We had been working on it for a couple hours when the doctor came in. "Hello y/n, how are you feeling?" He asked smiling. "I'm feeling better. Thanks, could i leave the room for a bit?" The doctor looked surprised. "I'll go check." So he went and came back and told her she could leave for a bit. "She sat in a wheel chair and I pushed her to the canteen, then outside then back to the ward. When we got back, we went to physio and I helped her loads, she had started walking a bit but only short distances. We had a laugh.

*Your p.o.v*

Me and Olly had spent a full day together without any interruptions and it was great! At physio Olly was great, he was helping me loads... I really like him, I wonder I he likes me... This question ran through my mind all day. Then Olly could tell... "Y/n, are you okay?" I didn't know how to reply...

*Ollys p.o.v*
It turned 6 and me and y/n had just finished going through the song. I got up to leave and we hugged and she kissed my cheek. Butterflies grew in my stomach as she did. Gosh I was so in love with her... But I couldn't tell her.

*Your p.o.v*

As Olly was about to leave I gave him a hug and kissed his cheek, I was so in love with him, why couldn't I tell him... He walked out the door and I murmmed "I love you..." He stopped for a minute and then kept walking, I felt so stupid. Why could I tell myself it but not him. He was so perfect, I was kidding myself why would Olly Murs, the pop star ever like me. At the end of the day I'm a nobody and he's a somebody... I played his first album from my phone and fell asleep...

*Ollys p.o.v*
I had been tossing and turning in my hotel bed until 11. All that kept playing in my head were the words, "I love you, I love you." I didn't think I was supposed to hear but I did, I loved her too but how was I supposed to tell her... So, I rang her. As expected she didn't answer.I set my alarm for 6. I never usually woke early but she was worth it. I had ordered a bouquet of flowers with a note to be delivered to her... It didn't say much just 'guess who these are from...' I sent it to the hospital, we had made plans to meet in the physio room at 11 so we did...

*Your p.o.v*
Flowers arrived for me at 9 and they instantly put a smile on my face. I didn't know who they were off but still they made me happy and whoever got them must've paid quite a bit. I used my walker to get to the bathroom and made some effort. I applied some make up and changed my clothes. I went back to the bed and got my phone... Nothing from Olly. I started walking to the physio centre and made it! I was so proud. When I got there Olly was waiting for me writing something but then kept scrunching it up and binning it... Did he hear me yesterday?! "Hello, Long time no see." I joked he laughed nervously... Great I think he heard me...

*Ollys p.o.v*
How was I supposed to tell her that I love her without her knowing I heard? I kept trying to write a love letter but I couldn't... I'd get up to 'dear darlin',' then I'd write something stupid and scrunch it up and bin it. I had been doing this for half an hour until she showed up. She looked flawless. I was so nervous, we hugged and went to physio it was all going well until...

*Your p.o.v*
"So what did you do last night?" I asked Olly, it took him a while to answer... But then he finally did. "I've been working on some material for an album... There's a topic bothering me so I've tried to turn it into a song." He smiled as he offered his hand so I could walk with him. "So... What's the mysterious topic." I said with a smile. He hesitated but began "the topic is about a girl I really like, I think she likes me as aswell I just don't know..." He answered and I just came out with it... "Just tell her." I think I sounded desperate but I'm not sure he chuckled. "I might one day. Through a song."

*Ollys p.o.v*

It was now my mission to finish the song... I needed to tell her...
It would take me ages to finish the song I needed one of one of these albums wait I've got it...

We went back to the hospital room and she went to get into bed. She managed to walk from the physio centre to the room, I was so proud. I went to get food and I grabbed my guitar from the hotel room, I made my way back... We had tea and I started singing. I sang "heart on my sleeve" because that's what I've been doing and I needed to tell her, she started crying when i stopped, I have her a hug and held her hands. "I love you." I whispered as I rested my forehead on hers, and then she said it back...

*Your p.o.v*
"I love you too." I said in a whisper and as I finished, he just sat there smiling. He was stunned. "Really? You do? Your not just saying it?" He asked almost insecure. "No Olly, I really love you... I love you lots like jelly tots." We laughed after he pulled a bag of jelly tots out of his pocket which made us both giggle. Best day ever. We decided not to go too fast because we thought it would be better to take things slows so no matter how much I wanted to kiss him I didn't. Olly left and I said "I love you Olly." "I love you too y/n... Lots and lots." He replied and at the same time we said "like jelly tots!!" Olly rang me when he got back to the hotel and we were on the phone for 3 hours and half an hour of it was saying "I love you." And another half was "you hang up." I was so in love... I feel asleep dreaming about me and Olly but woke at 3 after a dream where me and Olly were married and we had kids. I woke shocked. I instantly text Olly... "I love you ❤️❤️" I text, and fell asleep.

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