I wish it could be christmas everyday

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December 25th 2013--- our most important Christmas...

*Olly's P.O.V*

I woke up to y/n being snuggled really close to me. Her head on my chest and one leg over my body her arms wrapped tightly round my chest. I smiled, kissed her forehead and fell back to sleep. 20 minutes later she woke me up..."COME ON SLEEPY HEAD! IT'S CHRISTMASSSSSSSSSSSSS!" she screamed in my ear. I spun to face her and went for a kiss but she declined it left confused she pulled me to the door way and gave me a kiss. "We can't kiss unless it's under mistletoe." I smiled widely at her, I missed her crazy traditions as well. So knowing that, I dipped her and gave her a passionate kiss. "Merry Christmas babe." I whispered. "Merry Christmas Ols. I love you..." I smiled, "I love you too..."  After sharing another kiss she pulled me downstairs to the front room. She gave me my presents first and she bought me a couple jumpers i liked, some jeans, an iphone(talk about upgrading me) and some new shoes. It was my turn to give her, her presents....

*Your P.O.V*

Olly got me; a new dress, new shoes, a necklace with our first selfie in, my favorite bottle of perfume and a holiday in 2017. We both got dressed and I wore my new clothes, I left my necklace downstairs and when I was finished Olly put it on me and kissed me. "I love you babe." "I love you too." We kissed and went to his mums. When we arrived, we had dinner and played with Louie. I got up and stood near the tree. "erm, please can I have your attention?" everyone looked at me. " okay, so Pete and Vivcklynn know this but, Olly i got you something..." he stood up and I gave him a bauble, he looked inside and he was speechless. "Olly, I'm pregnant." Yup. inside that bauble was a scan of our little baby(Due 25th February). "Wow! This is great news! I'M GONNA BE A DAD!!!" Olly screamed as he picked me up and spun me round. I giggled at his response. "I love you." he said as he rested his forehead on mine. "I love you too..." We kissed and everyone came over and congratulated us. We played board games and we decided to go home. I wasn't drinking but Olly was a bit tipsy so I drove.

*Olly's P.O.V*

I still couldn't believe she was pregnant! It was the best news I had ever heard! We got home and we went straight to bed...

Due to y/n being my new song writer, she had gone to work with Sarah in some new album work. In the book, it said writers: Murs, and (your last name). It made me smile...  I was singing some of my latest songs and I made some breakfast. I got showered and Chnaged. I decided to go out for the day. I went to HMV to look at new albums and mine was number ten... I was proud, after all this time.

Text from: y/n
Hey babe. I've just wrote a pretty good song, can't wait for you to sing it, it's called seasons... How's your day.'

I loved the name and loved her... I text her back letting her know I was okay and that id gone shopping. I bought some white paint, a cot, and some white/ cream baby clothes. I went home, painted the walls of a room and I assembled the cot.
"I'm home!" I heard y/n yell. I shouted her "up here!" She came up and walked in. "Olly... This is amazing!" She said hugging me I kissed her and took her to the kitchen where I had a lasagne cooking for us. We sat down and u served lunch. After lunch we snuggled up in bed. "So babe, my next scan is in 2 days." I smile "I'll be there." I kissed her and we both fell asleep...

•Next Day•

Y/n went for a meeting with Sarah again to write more songs. While she was gone I made her dinner again, I loved surprising her and I was no use in the studio at the moment. I had just finished peeping dinner and I heard a knock at my door... "what are you doing here?!" I say as the figure pushes past me and walks into my house as if they own it....

Authors note•

Who do you think is the mysterious figure and is there people reding this? I'd love to hear feedback

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