Chapter 14 - Waking up

Start from the beginning

You hear people coming and laying his head down on the ground stand up and rush over to them eyes filled with tears. You look around until you see your father walking over to you, eyes wide with concern. "_________?" 

"Daddy, its awful I don't know what happened but Thor collapsed and there is a hole in his heart." 

He tilts his head in confusion as he says, "Thor? Who is Thor?"

 You stare at him wide eyed and look down to see that all the blood on your dress was gone. You look at your hands and they two were clean. You shake your head as you turn and head back out to the courtyard to find that the body was gone not even a trace was left. "What's going on?" you say as you feel your head start to swim.

As you reach up you feel arms reach out to you and pull you into the shadows. "_________, you have to wake up!" You hear a male voice say and turn to see Loki standing a few feet away from you. 

"Loki what happened to Thor?" You cry out as you grab his arms.

"________, listen to me the Virkeligheten has gone mad with power." 

"The Virkeligheten, what is that?" You ask eyes wide with confusion. 

"________, please listen to me you have to remember. You are the only one who can save Thor, please remember." And then he disappears right before your eyes. 

"Wait Loki, what are you talking about?!" You wait for a reply but he's gone. you take a deep breath and reaching up grab your head as you force yourself to remember something, anything, that would help Thor. "Thor," You say and as your heart clenches you feel the wall in your mind give way letting your memories flood in. You stare wide eyed as you remember everything from the death of your parent's to the argument you had with Loki in his cell. "Virkeligheten let me out I want out!" You cry out into the sky. 

Seconds later a bright golden light appears behind you and you turn toward it as it says, "Why do you want out, you have everything you ever wanted?" 

You clench your fist as you say, "What have you done to Thor?" 

"The deity has paid for hurting you with his life." 

Your heart drops and tears fill your eyes as you say, "Thor is really dead?" Your legs give out from under you as the tears cascade from your eyes. "What about Loki?" You ask through your tears. 

"He will die as well, he has caused you more pain than any other." 

You feel your anger rise as you cry out, "No you have cause me more pain, I love Thor and Loki more than anything else in this world. Sure they have hurt me but that's only because they love me, they don't know any better and now they are going to die because of me. I never wanted any of this!"

All of the sudden the light changes into a young man with golden hair and eyes and he kneels down beside you eyes full of grief as he says, "_________, I never knew they meant that much to you, I just wanted to protect you." 

All of the sudden you are engulfed in a bright light as you hear him say, "I am sorry."  

You close your eyes as the light grows brighter and when you open them you are standing in the familiar housing chamber of the Virkeligheten. You look around to see Loki lying on the ground a few feet away from Thor. Your heart drops as you slowly make your way over to them eyes filled with fear. You walk over to Loki and lifting his head into your lap lean down to check if he is breathing. 

"Nice of you to finally join us," He says and you smile as you wrap your arms around him and pull him in close. 

"I didn't know I'm so sorry." 

He wraps his arms around you and holding you close says, "It isn't your fault." Tears fill your eyes as you pull away from him and look over to see Thor lying lifeless on the ground.

You crawl over to him and looking down into his now glossed eyes you lean down and gently place a kiss on his lips as you say, "I am so sorry, I never meant for anyone to get hurt. Please come back to me, I love you." 

You glance out of the corner of your eye to see a golden light radiate from the pillar and floating over to you and Thor you hear a familiar voice say, "This is the last thing I can do for you, after this I shall leave and let you live your life." You smile as you turn back to see Thor's body glow brightly beneath your fingertips.

A few seconds later the light disappears and you stare wide eyed for any signs of movement. You feel him start breathing under your fingers and you smile as you say, "Thor?" His eyes flutter as he slowly looks at you and grins. 

"I knew you could do it." 

You throw your arms around him as you say, "I couldn't have done it without you and Loki." You feel his arms wrap around you and smile at their familiar warmth. 

"Come on you two, let's go home." You hear Loki say and you nod as you stand and helping Thor up take one last look at the stone podium and say, "Thank you for understanding." 

Then the three of you leave Vanaheim and quickly make your way back to Asgard where you would start your new lives.

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