Chapter 6 - Coulson

Start from the beginning

"I want to thank you but I also want to ask you a favor,"

You raise an eyebrow as you say, "Did I not just give you a favor by keeping Coulson alive?"

Fury's jaw tightens as he says, "Fine then I need another favor."

You raise your eyebrow as you say, "Okay, what exactly does this favor entail?"

"I want you to keep Coulson's rebirth a secret from the Avengers; they need a push to help save the world from the alien threat."

You sigh as you say, "That is against everything I believe in but if it has to be done then you have my word Director." You quickly turn and make your way back to your room where you look around at the mess Mjolnir had created. You reach up and right as you are about to touch your face see the blood on your hands and all of the sudden you start to have a panic attack scratch and rubbing at the blood trying to get it to come off without any luck.

You hastily make your way back out of your room and toward somewhere where you could find a water bottle to use to remove the blood stained to your arms. As you make your way through the helicarrier you end up bumping into Tony and Rogers. "I'm sorry," You say as tears start to form in your eyes a side effect from your occurring panic attack.

You guess that Rogers noticed that you were panicking cause he grabs your arms and holds you tight as he says, "It's ok, calm down. Everything is going to be fine you're just having a panic attack."

Tony lifts your chin up so he can see your face and says, "________, its okay you've been through worse with me. Now calm down and take deep breaths." You nod as you start to slow your breathing.

Tony looks down at your arms and sees the blood caked to them and looks back up at you as he asks, "______, whose blood is this?"

You frown as you say your voice cracking, "Agent Coulson's."

The next thing Tony did shocked even you, he pulls you into his arms and says, "Come on lets go wash this off, and I think someone could use a drink. How about you?" You chuckle through your tears as you know this is the only way Tony knows how to comfort anyone. You hold tight to him as he leads you to the big table where you had been led when you first arrived. Tony takes a bottle of water and some bandages from one of the many rushing paramedics and makes you sit down in one of the chairs where he personally starts to wash the blood from your arms.

Moments later Fury shows up and gives a speech about Coulson making Tony jolt up from his chair and quickly makes his way away from the table and down the elevator. You look down at your red stained arms and then it hits you, Thor! You turn toward Fury and say, "Is there any way to know where Thor is and if he is alright?"

Fury nods as he says, "Our sources say the Thor made it out of the cage before it hit the ground so there is a good chance that he is fine."

You let out a sigh of relief as you say, "That's a relief," You look down at your clothes and panic fills your body as you see the blood stained to them and say, "Is there any way I can get a change of clothes?"

Fury looks down and sees the blood stained to your clothes and nods as he says, "Agent Hill will show you where you can find some." He then calls over an agent with dark brown hair pulled back out her face and says, "Agent Hill, this is ___________, let's see if we can't get her cleaned up." Hill Nods as she motions you to follow her. The two of you walk toward the laundry room in silence as your mind starts to race over the events of the day.

"May I ask you a question Ms. ________?" Hill asks drawing you from your silent thoughts.

"I suppose its okay?"

"How were you able to heal Coulson?"

You sigh as you say, "Let's just say that I asked a higher power for help."

She nods as she says, "Well either way, thank you."

You smirk as you look forward and say, "No thanks are necessary I just did what was right. Coulson didn't deserve to die; he's too nice a man for that." Hill nods as we come upon the laundry room where she pulls out a shield uniform and hands it to you.

"I know it isn't much but it's all we have."

You smile as you say, "It's good, thank you Hill." She rubs your shoulder before she turns and leaves you alone to change.

After you have peeled off the blood stained clothes you stare at them with a pained expression filling your face. You quickly toss them in the trash and walk out just as you hear a familiar voice.

"Are you alright ________?"

You fight back the urge to cry as you say, "No,"

"What is wrong?"

You roll your eyes as you say, "Where do I start? Lets see, first of all I've lied to the only man I have ever loved and instead of telling him the truth I let him walk away. Then I break down in front of Loki and end up getting a agent killed."

"But you saved his life."

"That's not the point!" You say your voice becoming louder with every word. "I may not have been able to help stop Loki from attacking the humans but I will do everything in my power to save Midgard from suffering the same fate as my home world."

"What are you implying? That you will sacrifice yourself to save a race of creatures that will never know how much you sacrificed for them?"

You sigh as you try to hold back the tears. "No, not for them; I'll do it for Thor." And with that you quickly make it to the roof where you manipulate reality and jumping off the side fly toward where the Virkeligheten senses the Tesseract.

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