Forgiveness or Denial

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   Chapter 13

    Bonnie goes through the routine. Hardly talking to anyone. People are asking if she is okay. She can't be sure how many times. She has said I'm fine. But she is far from fine. She furious with Ryan for keeping Alec a secrect. Even if it was to protect her. She can protect herself. I can fight just as good as he can. Bonnie tops off one more coffee cup. Then puts the pot down and goes to her office. She has paper work to see to. I wish I could stop thinking about earlier. He did as I asked and stayed away from the shop. Bonnie forced herself to focus on her paper work. She knew she would eventually have to face him. But that was when she got home. Maybe they will be able to talk this out. She hates to ament it but she has grown accustom to him being in the shop. It doesn't feel the same without Ryan here. And she hasn't been feeling like herself lately.
   Evelyn has notice that Bonnie has been acting off all day  It's time to sort this all out. There is a lull in customers right now. "Ryan, come to the coffee shop now. Bonnie needs you something is wrong." said Evelyn. Walt walks up to her and hugs her from behind.  " I'm on my way." said Ryan. Evelyn leans back into Walt. "What are you up to?" asks Walt. Evelyn smiles then puts her hands on Walt's. She likes being in his arms. "I just told a little white lie. To get Ryan's ass down here. Enough is enough I'm willing to bit. That he has been acting just like Bonnie all day." said Evelyn. Ryan runs from the pack house. All the way to the coffee shop. Passing many bewildered people. As he came to a stop in front of Bonnie's coffee shop. Walt walks out the front door. "What's happen? Where is Bonnie?"asks Ryan. "Slow down Ryan she is in her office. With Evelyn going over paper work. Bonnie has been in a funk all day. I know you didn't  tell her. About Alec for a very good reason. But all the same you hurt her feelings. Now go in there in grovel and beg for her forgiveness." said Walt.
      Ryan nods then goes into the shop. Walt walks in with him. Evelyn comes out of the office winks. At him then grabs Walt's hand. Then leads him out the back of the shop. Ryan walks to the office. He stops in the door way to see. Bonnie starring off into space taping her pen on her note book. "Bonnie?" asks Ryan. She looks up at me. Her eyes fill with tears. "I asked you not to come here today. I should have known you wouldn't  do as I asked." said Bonnie. Ryan walks into the office then shuts the door behind him. Walt is right he should have told her. About Alec from the beginning. "I should have told you sooner about Alec. I don't consider him my family. I found my family when we found each other. I promised myself that when I found my mate. That I would never. Put her in danger of ever having to meet him. I'm truly sorry that hurt you. I love you Bonnie." said Ryan. Bonnie is overwhelmed by Ryan's honesty. She stands and walks to Ryan. Who is standing tenses as a bow. Bonnie places her hand on Ryan's chest. She sees that he is sorry. "I know your sorry. Is this the only thing that you didn’t tell me?" asks Bonnie. Ryan places his hand over hers. And gently grips her hand. " Yes this is the only thing I didn't tell you about. Alec is cruel and is insane. I never wanted you to meet him. Over the years we have faught dozens of times. He wasn't with Victor the last time. Before he caught up to me. I barely got away alive." said Ryan.
   Bonnie kisses Ryan's cheek. He sighs then hugs her. Ryan buries his face in Bonnie's neck. She smiles into Ryan's chest. "Does this mean that I'm forgiven?" asks Ryan. Bonnie hides a smile. She pulls back slightly. Then looks up at him. "Yeah you are." said Bonnie. Ryan leans down. Then kisses Bonnie lightly on the lips. Then he gently nips her lip. And deepens the kiss. Bonnie whines her arms. Around Ryan's neck kissing him and bring's him closer. They pull apart both breathing heavily. Bonnie lays her head on Ryan's shoulder. Her eye's slowly close. Ryan rests his chin on top of Bonnie's head content. "Where is Evelyn and Walt?" asks Bonnie. Ryan chuckles. Bonnie pulls back and looks up at him. "They used the the pack link. And told me something was wrong with you. I ran here as fast as I could. When I got here Walt came outside. Then told me to grovel and beg for your forgiveness. We came in side Evelyn. She came out of your office winked at me. Then took Walt's hand and went out the back door." said Ryan. Bonnie laughs. What is she going to do with Evelyn and Walt? "We should thank those two. For tricking you into coming here. We should get ready for the early dinner crowd. They better be back soon." said Bonnie.
   Ryan is putting fresh grounds in the filter. "There you two are. Evelyn, I could use your help back here. Walt you can help Ryan." said Bonnie. Walt came through the door leading to the kitchen. "I see you two have made up. Have you learned your lesson Ryan?" asks Walt. Ryan picks up a note pad and puts it in Walt's hand. "We have work to do. And the answer is yes. But that is none of your business." said Ryan. They work in near silence. Soon the shop is packed. With families and singles eating dinner. Later on when it had thined out some. Luis and Zoey came and sat down at the counter. "We will take the speacil." said Zoey. Walt turns toward the kitchen. "Two bowls of potato soup." says Walt. Ryan sits two mug in front of Zoey and Luis. Then pore them each a cup. Luis blows on his coffee then start to drinks it as is. Zoey puts a generous amount of cream and suger in her's . Then takes the first sip. "Perfect. I see that you and Bonnie have made up. I'm glade to see that." said Zoey. Luis puts down his cup. Then looks toward the kitchen. "Ryan I've heard back from some friendly packs. That Alec has become Henry's Beta. And that they have been causing disasters from New York to Canada. They also told me that two messengers strangers. Went into Henry's  territory there positive that they are from Victor's group." said Luis . Ryans knuckles are white from griping the counter. If they team up. It could be disastrous for our pack. "What's your plan?" asks Ryan. Ryan had not noticed Bonnie at his side. Till she took his hand. Luis stirred his soup aroud in thought.
    "We can ask the Nightshade pack for assistance. My contact told me Henry's pack. Has thirty available warriors. With the help of Nightshade pack. We will be able to fight them off. Without them we may be over run." said Luis. Ryan feels responsible. For this if he had not become apart of the Blue Moon pack. They would never have gotten mixed up in my war. "Ryan this isn't your fault. You deserve to be apart of this pack to be with your mate. A moment of insanity doesn't mean you should be punished for the rest of your life." comment's Zoey. Bonnie squeezes my hand. I squeeze her hand back then slowly relaxes.
   They close the shop and head back to the pack house. Bonnie keeps going over the conversation that they had with her parent's. She rolls on to her back listening to Ryan's deep breathing. They had snuggled tell Ryan fail asleep. Bonnie looks at the alarm clock its three in the morning. She had layed awake all night. Bonnie got up changed out of Ryan's tee shirt. Put her bra on then put on tights and one of her tee shirts. Bonnie put on her socks and Tenny shoe's. Then makes her way through the house. Trying not to make a sound. Once I'm outside I stretch. Then walk a little ways into the woods once I find the fallen log I strip out of my clothes and put them under the log.  I feel my bones snaping and rearranging. My organs shifting. My hands forming into paw. Bonnie falls to the groud with a groan of pain as her spine breaks in two. My canines break through my gums. My face elongates and fur sprout all over my body. I'm breathing heavily from my shift. Bonnie pushes to her feet then sets of in a brisk walk. Once her muscles where warmed she shakes her body. Then she runs off going as fast her legs will go. She doesn't  stop till she is at the ege of town. Then she turns to head back. She is half way back. When she senses something following her. Bonnie masks her scent. "Ryan, Walt, and Luther there is someone in the woods. Alert the other warrior's. I'm going to circle back and try and push him towards you." said Bonnie. "Okay." said Walt and Luther. "Be careful. I love you." said Ryan. "I will. I love you too." said Bonnie. She turns at the stump and circles back. Trading softly barley making a sound. I find the scent of the rogue. But it is faint here. He or she is masking there scent. "Guy's this rogue can mask it's scent. I'm still following the trail it left behind." said Bonnie. "We have just entered the woods. We smell the rogue but it's very faint-"Bonnie listen to me. It's Alec he is out there. Its him. Where are you?" asks Ryan
      Bonnie freezes a moment as she catches his scent it's stronger. He is getting closer. Alec is hunting her. "It's to late he is hunting me. And he is very close. By the time all of you get here it would be to late." said Bonnie. "You can hold him off till we get there. You can do this Bonnie!" said Walt. Bonnie didn't respond she continued. To follow the trail that is getting stronger. Suddenly a blur comes racing out of the brush to Bonnie's right. She side steps avoiding being slammed by a huge sandy blonde wolf. Its foaming at the mouth. And he has a scar over its right. It's eye is milky white. His one eye is just like Ryan's brown with gold flicks. Alec growls with hatered. Bonnie could tell by his eye's that he has no empathy. They circled each other both growling loudly at each other. Alec rushes forward slashing at Bonnie's chest. She jumps back and racks her claws down the side of his face. Alec charges at Bonnie he knocks her to the ground. They roll around on the ground sniping and clawing at each other. Bonnie uses her back legs to throw Alec off her. Then they both charge at each other locking jaws at each other throats. Bonnie shakes Alec off and bites down hard on the scuff of Alec neck. He howls in pain and trys to break Bonnie's hold. Then he body slammed her loosening her hold on his neck. She stumbles back then Alec charges her once more. They are rolling around on the ground biting and snarling at each other. Both are bleeding from bites and both have gashes where claws ripped through skin. Alec used his legs to throw her off then struggled to get to his feet. Suddenly they are surrounded by wolf's. Alec slumps to the ground finally beaten by the girl he was tasked to kill. Ally and Ryan went straight to Bonnie. Who is laying on the ground nursing many injuries. But nothing life threatening.
    Ryan licks Bonnie's  muzzle. "I'm fine. It looks worse than it feels." said Bonnie. "That's because your still full of steam. Some of those gashes and bites are deep." said Ally. Once Ryan had seen for himself that Bonnie is okay. It's time to deal with Alec. As Ryan comes closer he growls loundly. Walt, Ally, Luther, and Cody all push me back. So I couldn't get to Alec some warriors. Are standing around him he has shifted back to human form. But had not made an attempt to move. "Come on Ryan let's get Bonnie to the infirmary. Let the Alph deal with him." said Walt. Between Walt and Ryan they carried Bonnie in wolf form. To the infirmary. Luther and Evelyn are in front of them clearing the way. Once they reach the infirmary. The pack doctor's rush out with a stretcher. They gently left Bonnie from Walt and Ryan. Then rush her inside. They go in the woods by the infirmary. And shift once they are dressed. They then go into the infirmary to wait. For any news on Bonnie's condition. Not long after they started waiting. Zoey and Lily show up. "Ahhh!" screams Bonnie. Ryan starts forward. Walt stops him by putting a hand on his shoulder. "She had to shift back so they could treat her." said Walt. Ryan feels the tenchion all through his body. He leans against the wall trying to will his body to relax. Ryan closes his eyes to ease the pounding in his head.
   Hours later the Doctor Allan finally came to them. " How is she?" asks Zoey. The doctor rubs his eyes. "We cleaned the bites and gashes. None of them were that deep. She has a few cracked ribs. And a slight concussion. She is staying over night as a percussion. Visiting hours are over for the night. Ryan she wishes to speak to you against my better judgment." said Dr. Allan. He leads Ryan to Bonnie's room. When they get to the room. Dr. Allan turns and walks away. Ryan enters the room to see Bonnie sitting up. She is starring out the window. He walks in then goes straight to her side. Then takes her hand in his. "The doc says you have to stay over night this time. Other then that are you in any pain?" asks Ryan. Bonnie smile at him. She could tell that he has been worried. "I'm alright. But there is something I need tell but first. Tell me that he didn't  get away." said Bonnie. Ryan's eye's flash with anger. She could see he wanted to rip him apart. "No Luis moved him into a sliver cell. I think Dr. Allan is heading there next." said Ryan. Bonnie starts to breath easer. She didn't get to see if they got him or not. " What is it you wanted to tell me?" ask Ryan. Bonnie could no longer see the anger in his eye only love and concern. She is ready to tell what the doc found out. "Ryan, we're pregnant!" exclaims Bonnie .

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