Pokeshot-2 Winner gets the kiss

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A frustrated Leaf stood in front of the tree, of 6 years about, with her chubby and cute face holding a big pout as she looked in anger at the two pokemon in front of her.

They were a eevee and a charmander. She once more demanded chubbily, "Go, go! Train, NOW!" She cried the last word loudly and sat down on a bench.

She was in a park. She had received her pokemon two weeks ago and they were refusing to train. No, no, they weren't bad or wicked, pokemons never are, but they had been too pampered by Leaf.

Little Leaf couldn't help but cuddle the two pokemon and feed them the whole shop if possible. She had always been sweet-sucking them and kissing and hitting and cuddling them so now, they refused to train.

Leaf finally gave in. "Okay, the winner will get a kiss!"

Immediately the two pokemon sprang up and started practising. They tackled and attacked and Leaf looked satisfied. Then eevee directed a faint attack near the bushes and a few whines were heard.

Inquisitively Leaf walked down to that area only to see a black shirted ground boy about her age limp off. Eevee purred enquiringly at me and she shook him off with a wave of my hand.

She continued with her training then.

Soon a victorious eevee emerged. It had defeated charmander and it leaped into Leaf's chubby arms. She kissed him long and hard on the lips adoringly and went off, back home.


Another day, she again stood in the same position glaring at a young Leafeon and charmeleon in front of her. Once again they had refused to fight without THAT condition.

Leaf, now of 9 years, gave in to their desires and said, now in more girly voice, "The Winner gets a kiss!"

Again the match goes and this time charmeleon defeats Leafeon and comes to Leaf. As per her condition, she too kissed charmeleon softly yet swiftly. Her ability to kiss had improved. She no longer kissed like a baby, she kissed like a young girl.

A ruffle was heard in the bushes nearby and Leaf departed.


Yet another day, a much taller girl stood there, looking, infuriated at her two pokemon. They were a much taller Leafeon and a great hot Charizard. As expected, they were now really strong and able, but they didn't fight without that promise.

Leaf, now of 12 years, again sighed softly as she spoke in a high-pitched tone, "Yes, yes! The winner gets a kiss!"

Once again the Charizard and Leafeon break into a fight. Charizard tackled and breathes fire and Leafeon lets out sprouts of razor leafs and uses vine whip. This time, Leafeon wins against the newly evolved Charizard and purring in glee, jumps up to Leaf.

As the sound of boots trampling dry leaves reaches her ears, she bends and playfully kisses her pokemon. It was now more of a 'I-want-more' kiss, which teens and tweens give and made Leafeon beg for more.

Leaf again walks back to her home.


After a few years, the same scene is seen as now, with her brown hair stroking her perfect face with the flowing wind and her tall body dressed in just a short sundress, Leaf stands, her green eyes gleaming in anger.

In front of her stood a very strong Leafeon, a very strong Charizard, both refusing to fight. She knew what they would want to start their fight.

In a much more mature tone, she proclaimed, "Winner gets a kiss! Fine?" Charizard and Leafeon turn towards each other. Leaf decides to try out her new earned mega ball. She throws it at charizard causing a gust of dust to flow followed by a blue and black charizard. As blue flames escaped his hot breaths, he fought with a dainty Leafeon and defeated her.

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