Pokeshot-1 Pokemon Language

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Gary- 16


Location- Pallet Town, Pokehall


Leaf POV

I walk along the road, staring at banners with my bestie, Misty with me. She texted Ash on her all new smartphone eagerly. They had just started dating and I was very happy for her. After all, she got her man of dreams, her raven-haired food-addicted pika-pal! I with softly, I don't know why! Maybe its time I got into a relationship too!

My reverie was disturbed by Misty's yells. "Leafy, see that!" She cried, pointing to a poster a few metres away. I walked up to there and read,

'Pokeween festival to be held soon in the Grand pokehall. There will be a contest in which you have to disguise as one of your pokemon and with it, you will enter. The pair which shows the best attacks and charms shall win. Invitations to all Pallet and outside trainers from Gary Oak.'

"Hmmmmm!" I thought, great idea, for Pokeween. Wait, was it Gary's name on the poster. Is the grandson of Prof. Oak, the organizer of THIS contest! Then I must dress my best. The winner will get a free grass stone, fire stone and moon stone. I can evolve my Polemon by it.

"Who will you dress as?" Asked Misty excitedly, her mind full of dreamy plans.

"I don't know! Maybe Leafeon or Venusaur!" I replied, inquiring the same.

"I'll probably be a Seaking, actually, it depends on what Ashy will wear!

"Ah!" I sigh, I know Misty is such a silly thing around Ash.


"What pokemon costumes do you have?" I ask the nearest salesman I see.

"Miss, all poke costumes can be found there!" He answers, with a gesture towards a rack.

I examine the clothes. I find a really stripey yellow coat and pant. I know, Ash will take it!

Then I find a dark costume with red and yellow circles, it looked like an Umbreon, then Gary will take it. What? Gary! That brown-spiked, deep yet twinkly eyed and perfectly shaped boy with an adorable face and harsh yet soooooo cute manners and his Wait! What was I thinking?

Then at last, I find a green costume, with leave popping from here and there. I decided I would wear my hair in a.. Wait, let that be a surprise.

I got ready as soon as I reached home. I wore the costume and I did look good in it. It had a low neck which revealed bits of my cleavage, but I wore my dark green necklace with beady leaves. It completely covered and looked beautiful. Under it, I wore a light green skirt, which stick to my legs and ended at the knee. It was plain yet pretty. Beneath it, my fair and long legs showed, which I covered by leg bands at three places, at the knee, below the ankle and on the calf too.

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