Disney vs DreamWorks

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Umm what do you both think of me? And which is better DreamWorks or Disney? ~ Jaqueline-Frost

D: You are so amazing and cool! I LOVE your Dash book! XD

Asher: You're awesome! And I love it more. *grins*

D: I love it most.

Asher: Mostest.

D: Morest? What?

Asher: *laughs* I love it the most. Period.

D: *laughs* Well, I love it and it's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. You win if you can spell that.

Asher: Uh...*starts flipping through a dictionary*

D: Disney is way better than DreamWorks.

Asher: *puts down the dictionary* If Jack heard you, he'd be so mad. *chuckles*

D: But he's not gonna find out. But even if he did, he's still my favorite DreamWorks character.

Asher: I think Disney is better but I wish they didn't just randomly burst into song.

D: Aw, so if I started singing a love song randomly you wouldn't like it?

Asher: No! I would love that...I...uh? I see your point.

D: Thank you. *grins*

Asher: But yeah, other than that, Disney is better.

D: Thanks for the question! Bye!

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