Besties! XD

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How did you and Asher become best friends ~ floresgirl987

Asher: Well, we just hung out one time at my house because D begged to hang out with me. *grins*

D: *rolls eyes* No. I was forced to tutor you because you were having trouble in math.

Asher: *laughs nervously* Y-yeah, that's more accurate. But now I'm awesome at math! *grins*

D: *laughs* Yep. But it kinda happened like this...


Teacher: D, would you be so kind as to tutor one of your peers?

D: *smiles* Sure. No problem.

*goes to the library for tutoring*

D: *sits down at a table*

Asher: *walks in* Hey. *grins at D* What are you doing here?

D: None of your beeswax. *rolls eyes* What are you doing here?

Asher: I'm here to be tutored. *shrugs*

D: No way. O_O

Asher: What?

D: I'm your tutor.

Asher: *grins* Alright then.

*five hundred math problems later*

Asher: *smiles* Oh! Now I get it! *gets right answer* Thanks for helping me.

D: Uh, no problem. *smiles* I think this is the first time you haven't tried to use any stupid pick up lines on me. *laughs*

Asher: *chuckles* Don't get used to it, boo.

D: *rolls eyes* And annoying Asher is back.

Asher: *laughs* Fine. I'll try not to use the pick up lines any more.

D: *smiles* Good.

Asher: So...wanna hang out sometime?

D: Sure. *shrugs* See ya. *walks out*

Asher: *grins* Yes!

Librarian: SHHHHHHHH!

Asher: -.-

*flashback over*

Asher: *laughs* Good times.

D: *laughs* Yeah.

Asher: And then...we became lovers. *grins*


Asher: Like, we love each other right?

D: *sighs and pulls it up on Urban Dictionary* Read.

Asher: *reads first definition* I see nothing wrong. *shows D*

D: The next one.

Asher: *reads next one* O_O Haha. Okay. That's not what I meant. Not using that word anymore. *gulps*

D: *laughs* Thanks for the question! Bye!

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