"I've been trying to keep you happy, but...but I keep failing. I don't know how to help you." His statement slurred in her mind, and all she seemed to focus on was his mouth, and how his lips moved swiftly. "How do I help you?" Wanda's pulse quickened as she struggled to find an answer. But the truth was: she didn't have one. Not at that moment at least. She had a thought, an idea, that may change the way her and Steve act around each other. And she desperately wanted to test it out. 

Her mouth parted, and Steve took immediate notice. Had she always been so fascinated by his mouth? She didn't know, but the closer she got to it, the more she wanted it. 

Their noses touched, Steve's hand began to shake in Wanda's. He smelled divine; natural vanilla on his morning skin. She couldn't comprehend how he could look and smell so beautifully at such early hours of the morning. She could only imagine how rugged she looked. 

And at the realization that she hadn't brushed her teeth, she pulled away, blushing crimson and breathing heavy. Steve coughed, awkwardly standing and walking to the corner of the room. She stifled a grin, and quickly made her way into the bathroom, where she locked the door and leaned against the wall. Everything inside her turned into fire, and she splashed some fresh water on her face to relieve her anxiety. 

She wanted to kiss him, badly, but it would have changed things. She was in no position to be letting romantics get in the way of her recovery. Maybe the therapist was right. She shouldn't try and find comfort in a man. That's not how she should be dealing with things, because she's better than that. But Steve shows her patience and care, and she's finding it incredibly hard to not want something with him. 


He swore under his breath, quietly though, making sure Wanda didn't hear him. He was in some kind of trance again, locked into the depths of her eyes. She was so tragically beautiful, and it bit down on his soul every time he looked at her. 

He had another nightmare, one of Bucky. He saw his face at every turn, every car and person and building. He remembered the ice, and the feeling of time ticking by without his knowledge. It all seemed like a dream; Bucky's death and return; joining the Avengers; meeting Wanda. All of it. It felt like a dream in which he needed to wake from. 

Steve rubbed his face and turned away from the corner. Wanda was still in the bathroom, he could hear the faucet going, so he took the time to put a shirt on head downstairs. 

Natasha was sitting at the kitchen table with Clint, both of them were eating breakfast. Steve took a seat beside Natasha and grabbed a piece of toast from her plate. She smiled at him and continued her conversation with Clint. 

"I'm glad you have some time with the baby and the kids. You need it." 

"Don't think I don't miss the team, because I do, but yeah, it's nice being here for a change." 

"Sleep nice?" Natasha asked, but there was no lift in her voice, and he knew she didn't like the idea of him sleeping in the same bed as Wanda. 

"Not really," he confessed, and she acknowledged his words, then returned back to her breakfast. Steve munched on his toast and kept his eyes down. 

"Any news from Tony or Bruce?" Clint asked in a hushed voice, and Steve glanced over at Natasha, waiting for her to answer. 

"Tony says that Thor and Vision are keeping a close eye on the robots, and...," she wavered, giving both Clint and Steve wide eyes before continuing. "Bruce says he's been really busy with Dr. Cho, but if we ever need Code Green, he'd be glad to return any time." Both men gave Natasha weary looks, but seconds later, Wanda stepped in, warm-faced and all. 

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