chapter 5

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a couple days went by and dagger was avoiding everyone she became very distant and everyone began to get worried she had locked herself away in her room for3 days going without food she left to use the bathroom and returned to her room eventually they got so worried they had to get whitebeard involved there was a knock on her door she stayed silent "dags pops wants to talk to you" she heard marco's voice through the door she sighed and got up walking to the door she exited her room without a word she went to see her father people tried talking to her the whole way she said nothing she knocked on the door and heard the words "come in" from her father she opened the door and entered "dagger my beautiful girl you used to be so happy and cheerful what happened that has made you act this way?" he asked she looked at  him biting her lip before returning her gaze to the floor "I" she said "hmm? he asked she looked up at him "i don't understand what I did wrong" she said "eh?" whitebeard asked "ace won't tell me what it is that I have done to make him so upset and it's made me depress I have been thinking of how to asses the situation but don't want to resort to violence" she said a tear fell down her face "gurararara" he laughed she looked up at him shocked "sometimes my dear violence is needed to teach others a valuable lesson" white beard said "not go talk to him" he said she nodded leaving the room she sighed and went out to the deck "oh hey dagger" she heard multiple people greet her she scanned the deck for the man who had created her depression spotting him sitting at the table she walked up to him and pointed "I need to speak with you" she said he looked confused but nodded and stood up to follow her away from prying ears she felt everyone's eyes on them as they walked to the back of the ship "ace can you please tell me what I did to upset you?" she asked he frowned "you didn't do any" she cut him off  "ace you and I both know your bullshitting right now don't lie to me" she said he looked at her with a frown the two began to argue their voices got louder drawing the attention of the other commanders who came around to see what was happening they came around the corner to see a very angry red eyed dagger pinning a very angry commander to the deck yelling at each other he tried to push her off but she wouldn't allow that "not until you fucking tell me" she said "nothing is wrong!" he shouted she sighed as their argument got more heated by the second within five minutes the two were beating the shit out of each other at first ace couldn't understand how she could land blows on him "haki" he muttered the two began fighting for about an hour until finally a loud thud was heard from the sidelines everyone froze including the bloody and beaten pair fighting they looked through ragged breath to see their father standing there "you two won't solve anything unless you can cooperate" he said dagger stood up "then I guess it will never be resolved" walking away she heard a few gasps "no one has ever walked away from pops like that "i'm sorry pops" she said turning the corner she sprinted into the ship and into her room where she locked herself once again "you ace why are you so stubborn can't you see what your putting your self and dagger through?" white beard asked ace just stayed where he was trying to catch his breath "is that why she's hurting so bad?" ace asked "why I talked to her today she cried that's the first time she's cried in years from what I could tell" he said aces jaw dropped he looked down and shut his eyes for a moment before taking off so much drama" marco muttered "yes but that is the way things work between man and woman" white beard said the sun had set and ace had run to daggers room and banged on the door there was no answer "please dags" he begged through the door "please let me talk to you" he said using his hand to wipe the blood away from his face the door lock was heard click unlocked and he smiled happily entering the room he saw her huddled on her bed a bloody mess her jacket thrown across the room with her sword many different blades were in the walls and the back of the door she had her face buried in her legs ace observed her trashed room he shut the door and sat next to her on her bed "dagger I didn't realize how much pain I was putting you through" he said quietly placing a hand on her shoulder "i'm sorry I caused you all this pain and grief it's not you I was mad at it was the guys" he said she stayed silent "i am a jealous mess" he muttered looking down he felt her gently hug him from the side and he gently put his arm around her she looked up slightly using her red sleeve to wipe away the blood "come on lets go get cleaned up" he said she nodded standing up all the blades in the walls and doors were removed and returned to her body as she followed him across the room she grabbed a towel and followed him to the bathroom she put a bikini on and stepped into the bath ace put on a different pair of shorts before stepping in next to her "i'm sorry I damaged you pretty face" she said he chuckle "i'm sorry I damaged yours to" he said she giggled grabbing the bar of soak she began washing the blood off her ace had his back turned to her and she used that chance to quickly was h the blood and dirt off his back he looked at her surprised she just shrugged "i know you probably cant reach she said he chuckled she rinsed his back and turned back to washing herself off once they were finished they got out and wrapped towels around themselves ace grabbed a change of clothes but dagger forgot "i'm just going to go back to my room and get dressed" she said he nodded "you have15 minutes before I come in with the first aid kit" he said she nodded   15 minutes later she was sitting on her bed waiting patiently for him to come and patch her up he came in and sat next to her bandaging and patching her up she did the same to him  putting the first aid kit on the night stand she moved and relaxed "come here" she mumbled under her breath ace obliged and moved over to her she leaned into his chest he chuckled as she yawned "good night dagger" he said with a smile "goodnight ace kun" he said a couple hours later the two were curled up cuddling with one another the door slowly and cautiously creaked open and a tall blonde man peeked inside she smirked seeing the two cuddling together when just a few hours ago they were ready to kill each other "i guess that's what they call love" marco mumbled leaving the light exited the room as the door shut "marco is such a snoop" she mumbled sleepily ace nodded in agreement "he should mind his own business" ace mumbled  she nodded hugging closer to his chest "your really comfortably you know that?" she asked "no one has ever told me that before" he said she giggled "well now I did" she said placing a kiss on his cheek "goodnight" she mumbled falling asleep again "goodnight" ace replied also falling asleep.

Ace x DaggerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon