chapter 17

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Dagger was standing beside vivi's throne as people came and left dagger watched every person come and go keeping an eye on their body language and words protecting the princess  she noticed one of the men who entered the room wouldn't make contact and kept fidgeting with something in his pocket dagger narrowed her eyes a bit watching him halfway through the conversations dagger watched him swiftly pull something from his pocket and she reached out catching it before whipping it back and sticking him in the shoulder guards surrounded him before taking him away dagger returned to her original stance and everything continued as normal dagger protected the princess 3 times that day before everyone gathered for dinner "where ere you all day dagger?" nami asked "busy" dagger said laying her head down on the table "going what?" robin inquired "father has gotten her to stand through the visits i have to endure" vivi said dagger yawned shutting her eyes for a moment "she looks exhausted" usopp said "standing there for 12 hours is not fun" she said with a yawn dagger ate a little bit before passing her plate off to luffy before laying her head face down on the table with her arms crossed she shut her eyes for a few seconds which turned out to be an hour and a half cause she woke up to someone carrying her she looked up to see her freckle faced commander she smiled a bit before cuddling into him he looked down at her and smiled "having a good sleep?" he asked she nodded he opened the door to one of the rooms and laid her on the bed she grabbed his arm "are you gonna leave me?" she asked with her eyes still closed "if you want me to I'll stay he said and nodded and he let out a sigh before he laid down next to her she smiled curling up next to and he put his arm over her she smiled again before closing her eyes and falling fast asleep.

the next morning dagger woke up early and untangled her self from ace's arms and sat up looking around the rom she saw zoro, sanji, nami and robin occupying the other beds in the room dagger pushed her feet over the edge of the bed and stretched before standing up not bothering to put her boots on she stood up wincing at her soar feet she silently left the room before making her way down to vivi's room knowing she would be awake she knocked gently on the door "come in" dagger heard vivi said and she opened the door and entered the room "dagger i'm curious why is your skin gray?" vivi asked "my devil fruit turned my skin to this gray tint" dagger explained there was another knock on the door "princess breakfast will be ready soon your guests are waiting for you in the dinning hall" someone said through the door "shall we go?" dagger asked vivi nodded and they headed for the door. quickly they arrived at the dining hall they took their seats as food began being served "where did you disappear to this morning ?" ace asked "i went to see vivi" dagger said she felt the floor feeling it was quite warm "i forgot to put my boots on" she said with a bit of a frown ace chuckled and everyone ate after dagger finished she excused herself and took off running back to the room she had slept in she slid her jacket off leaving it on the bed before she tucked her gloves into the pockets and slipping her boots on before running out of the room she collided with someone and gasped as she began falling backwards they gripped her hand to prevent her from falling she looked up seeing who it was that she ran into seeing Pell "i'm so sorry" she said as he pulled her back up to a standing point "are you okay?" he asked she nodded "good" he said keeping his grip on her hand "oi dagger..." daggers head shot towards ace her eyes widened as she yanked her hand from Pell's "yes commander?" she asked "vivi and king cobra are waiting for you in the throne room" ace said his voice a little  lower than usual "oh yes of course" dagger said  "i have to go that's why i was running right" dagger mumbled to herself "i'll see you around Pell" she said before running over to ace and pecking him on the cheek "thanks for letting me know" she said before sprinting down the hall at an inhuman speed she slowed down once she got to the throne room and bent over catching her breath once she caught her breath she calmly entered the room making sure no one was speaking "my apologies for being late" dagger said her feet killing her every moment he spent standing she stood there protecting the princess for the day once again the next day the night of the next day dagger was being forced into a dress dagger sighed and winced in the heels she was being forced to wear nami had told vivi about the unclarified crush dagger had on ace and so dagger was practically kidnapped bye vivi, nami and robin and taken to vivi's room "princess it's not proper for me to wear your clothes" dagger said "vivi lent robin and i dresses don't worry about it just relax" nami said they put her in a knee length black dress and 1 inch black heels before sitting her down and curling her hair and doing her makeup "i can't believe i'm letting you do this to me" she said with an exaggerated sigh "if you think this is bad you should see what sanji  is doing to ace and the others" robin said with a giggle once the girls were ready they got ready to go nami went then robin then dagger and finally vivi all eyes were on the four of them as they walked down the stairs into the ball room dagger felt self conscious and bit her lip when she reached the bottom of the stairs she instantly walked to the side keeping out of peoples view dagger felt like she had to much make up on and leaned against the wall with her arms crossed avoiding al attention she was asked to dance by several men she turned them all down until she heard familiar foot steps approaching her she looked up and smiled happily seeing ace standing before her "may i have this dance my lady?" he asked she nodded and took his hand he took her to the dance floor and got prepared "you do remember right?" he asked she nodded watching her feet as they began to move to the music "dagger" ace said "yes?" she asked still watching her feet "just look at me keep your eyes on me your doing fine" he said her eyes locked with his and she felt like it was just the two of them no one else around until the song ended they bowed towards each other and they went over to the side and began chatting away "dagger" a new voice in the conversation caught her attention.

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