chapter 16

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"so do we just go in?" usopp asked "sure I've got a key" dagger said unlocking the gate "we can't just go in!" nami shouted "why not? you were invited weren't you?" dagger asked nami went silent as dagger opened the gate and the straw hat entered "she is right nami" robin said nami nodded once everyone was inside dagger locked the gate before they went up the long stair case "what happens if we get stopped?" chopper asked "it'll be fine just relax" dagger said opening the front doors "i'll be right back" she said walking up to a pair of large doors she opened them a bit before poking her head in seeing vivi sitting on the throne next to her father the sound of the door creaking open caught their attention dagger smiled a bit before stepping back and opening the doors all the way "come on" she said to ace and the straw hats "king cobra princess vivi it's been a while hasn't it?" dagger asked walking in as the straw hats followed behind "dagger luffy everyone!" vivi said happily running from the throne she practically jumped on the group hugging everyone vivi was introduced to franky, robin again and brook "brook" dagger said sternly looking at him "yes dagger chan?" he said "don't ask the princess about her underwear or the guards will throw you out" dagger said "if i can't ask the princess may i see your panties?" he asked she sighed "no brook you may not" she said dagger turned around and approached the king with a bow "you need not to be so formal spade" he said she smiled with a nod "it has been a while hasn't it cobra" she said "vivi would not stop talking about you when you left that night without saying goodbye" "i am sorry but i don't like goodbyes it makes it sound like i'll never see them again" she said with a small smile "still quite the charmer i see" he said she smirked "i am the same as when i left" she said "i hardly believe that" he said "alright, alright i learned a couple new tricks" she said "new tricks?" he asked "indeed new tricks" she said "i look forward to seeing these so called tricks as i have a job opportunity for you" he said "i'm listening" she said "there have been some threats towards vivi i would appreciate it if you could keep an eye out for anything suspicious and look after her as you did that time ago" he said she smirked "you have heard that I've become a pirate now right?" she asked "i have but i have hope that your demeanor has not changed at all" he said she smiled "of course cobra you know i would protect vivi with my life" she said she smiled "then it's a deal i will pay you the day you leave she nodded before bowing and returning to the group vivi jumped on her hugging her "oi what're you doin?" dagger asked "how could you just leave without saying goodbye?" vivi asked dagger chuckled "i don't like goodbyes they make it sound like i'll never see them again" she said vivi frowned "that's why we say goodbye in case you don't" vivi said "no matter i am here now" dagger said vivi nodded and smiled releasing her hold "i would assume you are all hungry from your travels come lets go to the dinning hall and i'll have food prepared for you all" vivi said "foooood" luffy cheered "i'll meet you all there i have someone i would like to go see first" dagger said vivi nodded and dagger ran off "where is she off to?" nami asked "she's probably going to see Pell those two had a thing going last time she was here but she broke it off with him" vivi said "dagger had a thing with Pell?" nami asked in disbelief "yup they broke it off because dagger was being hunted more and more by the government and she didn't want anyone being hurt if she got caught or if the government used them as leverage i surprised she seemed to have gotten to close to you all" vivi said. dagger was running around the palace before stopping at a door she pushed it open "oi what're you doing in here? your not allowed to be in the guards room" a guard said "you must be new" dagger said walking past him  father into the room she spotted who she was looking for she ran p and hugged them from behind catching them off  guard "oi who's that let go of me" they said "aw is that anyway to treat an old friend?" she asked he turned around shocked "you what are you doing here?" he asked "i'm here with friends and my commander" she said with a small smile his arms slowly came around her and he hugged her back "i missed you Pell" she said "i missed you to dagger" he said his voice muffled by her hair she giggled "you smell nice" she added "i just had a shower" he said they slowly released each other "i'm sure the princess is waiting for you" he said she nodded "I'll see you later" she said waving as she left the guards room "who was that?" one of the guards asked "an old friend" Pell responded. dagger pushed open the doors to the dinning hall "why are all these doors so big and heavy?" she asked herself before sitting next to ace "how did you little visit go" vivi asked with a wink "vivi no just no" dagger said shaking her head "man you sure got weird" dagger said "i blame luffy" vivi said dagger giggled "dammit luffy" dagger joked luffy laughed shoveling food into his mouth after they finished eating everyone went around and began doing their own thing dagger stood in the throne room next to vivi and the king as vivi had to deal with some people who were coming to the palace unexpectedly. 

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