chapter 3

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The next morning dagger woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door she groaned "what do you want?" she asked the door opened and she rolled onto her back squinting her eyes  to see who it was "ace what do you want?" she asked "breakfast is ready" he said she groaned sitting up she swung her legs over the edge of the bed she pulled her pants on buttoning them up before hooking her sword to her hip and throwing on her jacket she groaned again before meeting him at the door he watched her  approach him before she rested her forehead against his should "aww lil dagger wants to sleep longer" he said laughing she nodded "come on you can have a nap later right now it's time for breakfast" he said she didn't move "are you going to make me carry you?" he asked she shook her head standing up straight ace chuckled before starting to walk down the hall she shut the door to her room before following him down the hall as they entered the bustling room she groaned bringing a hand to her head "oi are you ok?" Marco asked she nodded "just a simple headache" she said sitting down between the two men ace instantly began stuffing his face while Dagger laid her head on the table slowly eating her eyes were half lidded and she yawned before taking another bite she felt a hand on her shoulder rub circles into her back "your hung over" she recognized the voice to be marco's she nodded like a child would before rubbing her eyes she finished eating and went out to the deck to sit with the guys and watch them play cards after 2 hands she joined in winning about 4 times on the 5th round everyone was announcing what their cards were when it got to dagger she had her head down on the table "aw look at that our little sister fell asleep" jozu said "she's so hung over" thatch added "shhhhhhhhhhhh I win" she muttered sliding her cards out on the table ace burst out laughing "she beat you in her sleep aha i'm glad I stopped after the 3rd round" he said dagger lifted her head up pulling in all the cash she looked at the shocked faces around the table I was asleep for a minute there but remembered I was making money" she giggled she looked at all their faces their mouths were a gape she smirked "one more round and if you win i'm calling cheats" thatch said "Dagger I brought you something for your headache" a familiar voice said dagger turned to see izo approaching "oh thank you so much izo" she said "anytime my dear" he said she smiled looking at the pill before swallowing it with some water she had on the table she sat  up straight and stretched "alright lets play" she said cracking her knuckles thatch shuffled the cards and dealt them to everyone who's playing ace was sitting right next to dagger and peaked over her shoulder before keeping to himself she glanced at him with a smirk "see something you like?" she asked ace nodded making her smile again when everyone put their bets in it went down to dagger and thatch "all in" dagger said thatch eyed her suspiciously before going all in and pushing all his cash in she smirked thatch placed his cards and so did she I win again thatch became frustrated and stood up abruptly seeing for the 6th game in a row she had the ace of spades in her hand that helped her  win all the games thatch kicked the table knocking it over "now thatch don't get your panties in a knot come now" marco said "she's cheating!" he shouted "thatch how dare you accuse her of cheating how exactly do you know shes been cheating?" jozu asked "no one wins 6 games in a row with the same card" thatch said dagger smirked "or maybe i'm just lucky and the ace of spades likes me" she chuckled she watched as thatch tackled her out of the chair "admit it you cheated" he said daggers eyes began to glow crimson red as he shook her having her pinned to the floor she lifted her arm and smacked him a loud clang was head when her hand made contact with his face it knocked a few feet away from her "ooooooo" was heard from the table as she sat up "don't fucking touch me" she said her fist was a shiny metal colour as she made a fist with her hand "you've got devil fruit powers too?!" jozu and marco exclaimed shocked "you guys didn't know that?" ace asked "no!....wait how did you know?" they asked in sync "she attacked me with her power when I collected her for pops" ace said nonchalantly " and you didn't tell anyone?!" marco asked "i thought you guys knew" ace said thatch stood up he was a very pissed off looking division commander "uh oh dagger you pissed him off you may want to run" jozu said ace smirked "i think i'm good" she said slowly pulling off her jacket "if you really want to fight me over your accusation I'd gladly part take" she said her arms and tattoos now exposed she tossed her jacket onto the chair she was sitting on stretching her arms up she watched as thatch pulled out his sword "wait guys your not seriously going to go trough with this are you?" jozu asked dagger smirked "I've been itching for a fight" she chuckled darkly her eyes were glowing crimson red "well now you've got one" thatch said looking at his sword "but I wont attack a unarmed woman" he said she laughed "you think i'm unarmed?" she laughed before throwing her arm to the side knives flew from her arm sticking in the side of the ship thatches eyes widened slightly she smirked moving her hand the knives moved as she manipulated them she managed to knock thatch over and in him in two gestures she chuckled "i win" she said moving to sit down the knives returned to her slipping into her skin "oi dagger what are all the tattoos?" ace asked "oh these" she asked gesturing to her arms "I've got them all over my arms and legs trust me I didn't want all these when I ate the devil fruit I had to sit through a couple long hours of pain as they were etched into my skin" she said she looked around at the shocked faces "how did you live through that?" they asked she shrugged "i dunno I just did" she said she got praise from the three as she put her jacket on "it's going to start snowing" she said "how do you know?" marco asked "i grew up on a winter island look at the clouds" she said  "she's right" the navigator said "i hate the cold" she mumbled "eh what was that?" ace asked she shook her head "nothing" she said ace looked at her confused for a second before watching as it began to snow heavily she gently hugged herself "you ok there dag?" ace asked she nodded before picking up all the beli she won and pocketing it she looked at the four men sitting at the cleaned table "i'm gonna go for a nap" she said "good night dagger" the four called to her she smiled before going into the ship she sat on her bed and pulled her sword off her hip before placing it on the night stand she puled off her jacket and pulled on a hoodie then her jacket again she flipped the hood up onto her head and curled up under the covers of her blanket.

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