chapter 18

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dagger looked over to see Pell "oh hello Pell i haven't had the chance to introduce you but his is ace" dagger said "ace this is Pell" dagger added the two shook hands "nice to meet you" Pell said ace nodded "dagger i was wondering if i could speak to yo in private" Pell asked "oh um yes i guess so" dagger said "ace i will be right back i promise" she said "I'll be waiting" he said she smiled before following Pell out to the balcony "what is it you wanted to talk about?" she asked h took her hands in his and looked her in the eyes "dagger" he said she looked up at him "i still love you 'I've tried to move on over these past 6 months but i can't please stay here in alabasta and we can pick up where we left off when you broke it off with me" he said kissing her gently she quickly pulled away from him and pulled her hands from him "Pell i'm sorry but i can't i couldn't live with myself if the government came after you to get to me" she said he frowned slightly "what makes him so different then?" he asked "who?" she asked confused "your commander ace" Pell said "there is nothing between myself and him when i joined the white beard pirates i became his sister i don't understand why no one gets that" dagger said the two exchanged some harsh words "Pell look i get it you still have feelings for me but i have moved on i don't feel the same way anymore" she said he kissed her again and she shoved him "get off me ad stay off learn to take no for an answer" she said before turning and leaving going back inside she went to return to ace but saw him with some other girl she blinked and they were kissing she looked shocked and felt something snap biting her lip and holding back her tears she took her shoes off hearing ace call to her before she turned and ran off trying to stop her tears dagger bumped into someone "i'm sorry" dagger said as she saw nami turn around "dagger? what's wrong? what happened ?" nami asked worried dagger shook her head before taking off her friends called after her but she ran up the stairs and out of the room she took a few deep breaths leaning against one of the walls "calm down its not like you should care" she said to herself she heard the doors open and turned to see nami and robin standing there "times like these i'm glad that mascara is water proof" nami said "sweetie what happened?" robin asked dagger shook her head "nothing that i should be so worked up about" she said with a long sigh "did ace do something?" nami asked putting her hands on her shoulders dagger bit her lip "why does it hurt?" she asked "what did he do?" robin asked dagger looked at them "i had to go talk to someone and when i came back he was sucking face with some girl" dagger said nami and robin gasped "he what?" nami asked dagger nodded the doors flew open again and she looked over seeing ace she bit her lip and cast her view to the floor "dagger" ace said "she doesn't want to talk to you right now" nami said stopping him ace shook his head and pushed past her he put his hand on her chin and tilted her face up to look at him "that wasn't my fault i swear" he said she looked at him and sniffed her eyes were their regular ocean blue  she smiled at him "I guess we both got into the situation of someone kissing us when we didn't want them to" she said aces facial expression changed to from a sweet one to a dark one "did that bastard kiss you?" he asked she bit her lip and nodded ace clenched his teeth "if that bastard touches you ever again i'll kill him" ace said dagger smiled and he was confused as to why she was smiling she took a deep breath and let out a small sigh "i'm part of the security detail i have to get back to the party" she said she felt aces hand grip hers and she looked at him he smirked and she let out a small giggled putting her shoes back on before they opened the doors and returned to the party nami and robin had already gone back sometime while dagger and ace were talking i still can't believe sanji got you into a suit" she said "he told me to do it for you" he said she smiled and they returned to their little corner where they were talking before dagger was keeping an eye on vivi as well as the people in the crowd dagger heard gun fire but it wasn't aimed at vivi is was aimed at dagger she felt the steel penetrate her skin she took a sharp breath spotting the shooter she put a hand over her chest where the bullet entered her skin before sending 6 blades from her arm towards the shooter pinning him to the wall dagger grew weak quickly and she almost fell over ace caught her "we need a doctor!" ace shouted the straw hats and vivi raced over daggers breathing increased "why didn't you deflect it?" ace asked "i didn't...want to....risk...hitting someone else" she said squeezing her eyes shut as she spoke her breathing was labored "we need to take her to a better place to work" chopper said "chopper just take it out there's another shooter" dagger said "what?! i can't just take it out" chopper said "if you don't then i will" she said chopper nodded and used his tweezers to remove the bullet " now cauterize the wound" she said  looking at ace "are you sure?" he asked she nodded when her shirt and jacket flew into the room with two of her daggers out of the 6 she threw ace quickly burned the wound shut and dagger slowly stood up pulling her long sleeved red shirt on with her jacket and gloves she winced "are you sure your going to be ok?" chopper asked "don't worry doc i'm tougher than i look" she said taking her shoes off she ran towards a man and knocked him over pinning him to the floor she reached into his pocket and pulled out a gun she flicked her wrist and the mans arms and legs were pinned to the floor by his pants and jacket  dagger  got off and laid on the floor "oooooh fuck that hurts" she said rolling from side to side the guard's came over "miss spade are you alright?" they asked she nodded handing one of them the gun she placed her hands on the wound and squeezed her eyes shut her daggers retreated to her skin and she slowly stood up and made her way back over to where she was before "that was so badass" nami said dagger smiled a bit "thanks" she said noticing everyone staring at her she took a step foreword "the princess is safe now please continue with the party" she said putting her hands up "ow" she said bringing her arms back down the party seemed to continue and dagger leaned against the wall "thank you so much dagger" vivi said "of course princess i'm just doing what your father asked protecting his little girl" dagger said with a smile "dagger do you think you could tech me to defend myself?" vivi asked dagger smiled "would be an honor" dagger said "we can start tomorrow" dagger said another gunshot rang out and dagger reached out and caught the bullet with a small smile before flicking her wrist and two daggers left her hand one knocking the gun from his hand the other pinning him down "your so good at this it makes me jealous" luffy said "do you want to learn how to catch bullets luffy?" she asked "yes!" he shouted "luffy your made of rubber you don't need to catch bullets" nami said "it'd still e cool to learn" luffy said happily dagger smiled "I'll teach you both some things tomorrow" dagger said.

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