chapter 15

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dagger was sitting leaning against one of the rocks ace on her left and zoro on her right se had one knee bent with her arm resting on it she looked over at zoro seeing he was drinking his usual sake "want some?" he asked offering her the bottle she shook her head "I've got my own" she said reaching into her jacket and pulling out a bottle "what's that?" zoro asked as she took a sip "try it i'm not sure you'll like it though" she said handing him the bottle "it's spicy" she added zoro took the bottle taking a swig before wincing slightly as he swallowed it he handed her back the bottle "don't like it do you" she asked "nope" he replied she smiled looking over at ace after taking another few sips "do you want some?" she asked "i don't like whisky and i don't get drunk in the middle of the desert" he said bluntly she tucked the bottle away back into her jacket jaw dropped "well excuse me for not just drinking at parties" she snapped  back he scoffed "woow" she said she could feel the stares from the straw hats "my body may be steel but my feelings aren't" she snapped her eyes turned black before she disappeared and reappeared on a rock at the far end of the gathering of rocks she pulled her legs into her chest and bit her lip before tucking her head down into her knees "you made her cry" robin said ace sighed "fuck" he said with a sigh "you bastard! how dare you make her cry!" sanji shouted "sanji! yelling ad violence isn't going to make him feel better can't you see he already feels bad" nami said "ace sighed a long exaggerated sigh "why did you freak out like that?" luffy asked ace ran his hand through his hair under his hat "i..don't know" he said "well don't just sit there go apologize" usopp said ace stood up and nodded disappearing in a flame she felt his presence behind her "idiots think that i can't hear them" she said "dags i'm sorry i don't know why i said those thing please don't cry" he said approaching her she didn't respond "can we talk please?" he asked "as long as robin minds her business" dagger said she heard robin giggle before she spoke again " what did you want?" she asked looking at him her eyes slightly puffy and a little red her eyes were black "i...i got jealous" he said she looked at him shocked "i hate how he flirts with you" he said she stood up and she knocked him over hugging him "whoa" he said his back hitting the rock "i thought you didn't care anymore" she whispered eyes overflowing with tears they returned to their usual ocean blue colour her tears illuminated them making them glow blue ace wiped them away with his thumb "i will never stop caring" he whispered back she smiled a bit he sat up holding her in his lap "your warm" she said he chuckled "i'm always warm" he replied she giggled and nodded "that you are freckles" she said "oi don't call me that" he said "but it's a cute nickname" dagger replied "no" he said making her giggle she cuddled herself into him as she looked up at the stars "so are you sure you don't want any?" she asked pulling the bottle from her jacket "hell no whisky makes me feel out of my element" he said she giggled "more for me then" she said sipping the bottle "no way no more i don't need you getting drunk and then something happening and you getting hurt" he said taking the bottle he put it back into her jacket "fine, fine" she said "at leased i know you care" she said turning around and straddling him her face was flush from the alcohol she buried her face in the crook of his neck his arms wrapped around her as she relaxed "ace" she whispered "yeah dagger?" he asked "robin is watching us" she whispered "se should mind her business sometimes don't you think so?" he whispered back he nodded "are you ready to go back down yet?" he asked she looked over seeing most of the straw hats had gone to bed only zoro, franky and robin remained "if you really want to" she said ace stood up standing her up in front of him "your too tall" she said he chuckled "hold on tight" she said he gripped her hand and they disappeared before reappearing back down by the fire dagger tossed another piece of wood un before sitting herself next to ace she leaned her head against his shoulder "everything good now?" franky asked dagger nodded about an hour later everyone else turned in for bed dagger was slowly dozing of leaning against ace "come on dagger we still have a long walk tomorrow lets get you to bed" he said "mmmmm ok" she said ace picked her up before kicking the fire out and walking over to one of the tents they were sharing with zoro he crouched tucking her in between zoro ad himself before shutting the door to the tent she curled up next to him absorbing his warmth she closed her eyes and her smiled at her before also closing his eyes and falling asleep . the next morning dagger woke up completely cuddled into ace she smiled a bit before releasing her grip on him and moving onto her back she felt eyes on her and looked over to see zoro looking at her she smiled and he responded with a nod "so your sure there's nothing going on between you two?" he asked quietly she rolled over so she was on her side "yeah" she said he smirked "how you were just cuddled up with him i'd say otherwise" he said she shrugged "i was cold" she said zoro chuckled as she jumped slightly due to ace rolling over and wrapping his arm around her "heh nothing's going on between you two eh?" he asked she rolled her eyes "oi ace wake up" she said he groaned before slowly opening his eyes "what?" he asked "time to get up commander" she said ace removed his arm and stretched "morning already?" he asked she nodded laying flat on her back "ugh i don't want to get up yet" she mumbled hearing ace and zoro laugh at her. a few hours later they arrived at the palace gates.

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