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(A/N: I just want to go out and put three people on the spot...YES THREE PEOPLE.

You probably know who you are.... Thegr8potato, delanie_yvonnebands_4life

You three have been around for a while, in many of my stories, and I just want to post this author's note in every one of them (my stories) to say thanks, and just let people know about their kindness and support, I'm grateful for every vote! I'm grateful for every reader...for getting me this far in every story I write! Thanks...so yah! You three, thanks!

So each of my stories will contain this thanks...thank you.)

(Vic's POV)

It kind of felt like getting shot, someone sticking a knife in the wound, and twisting the knife. It hurt...a lot. It just made me want to grab the chair and break it against the wall.

"Why would you say that?" I asked.

"Cause it's the truth, in this game, you're trying to face the truth. You're a horrible person that makes horrible decisions, and you have to face the horrible truth." He answered, the way he barely lifted his gaze to look at me, it just had me more angered. A game? Is that what this was, a freaking game?

"Is this a part of the game? Making me feel like shit? Cause last I remembered, I came into this place to get help, not be treated like shit," I was fuming, but I contained myself.

"Well...it is a part of the twelve steps. Admitting fault, and one of your faults is being shit," he spoke, now he lifted his gaze once more...a smirk on his face. Tears ran down my cheeks, I think I don't hate Trenton for his word choice; I think I hate him because he's like most adults towards children.

He makes them realize that life isn't a game or joke and that you have to face reality. Reality is mean and one way or another you're gonna crash into it...I guess I didn't want to face reality...but he was going to be the one to make me face it.

I'm just a child, who wants to go around and say things are going to be fun, sugar coat the world. Rehab is easy; I'll be out of here in no time, Kellin's still going to love me. But Trenton is here, and he for one is assuring me that this won't be easy, and that there's no guarantee of the outcomes of my rehabilitation.

I then noticed he pulled out a pack of cards. I watched him as he shuffled the cards, and I wiped away my tears.

"So...Victor Fuentes, are you willing to play this game?" It seems that this wasn't a game, but he was mocking me, using my own words against me.

He started spreading the cards into three piles, "Your choice Victor?"

He was going to help me, but he had a different way of playing this...game.

"I'll do this," I took the other pile he had set up.

"So, let's play Go Fish, I'm a pro, best record in the whole rehab home. Let's see if you can beat me at a game?" Somehow his aura had now changed, it was no longer a smirk, or the challenging and defensive vibe. It was as if I had to go through an initiation test. He was testing me, am I capable for rehabilitation? And if it happened to be that I wasn't ready, then he would keep working around this game and be fierce until I was willing to accept this reality.

"Damn, haven't played in a while, but maybe after time I'll learn to beat you at your own game," I answered back, I wiped the last few tears and spread my cards out, seven cards.

"Do you have a seven?"


"So, how'd it go?" Hannah asked next to me, walking me back to my room.

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