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(Kellin's POV)

Abel...was an awesome dude who had managed to convince the owner Jaime had talked to, so she could hire me. I'm glad he's around he's not old...he's 20. Around the guys age...while I'm still a looser 18 year old! It's not bad, at my age I have a wide view in many topics. I had talked to Vic about the job and he's cool with it. He wants me to be at his side, but he isn't an over-protective guy. We're so happy with each other, and I'm sure a job isn't going to mess up anything.

"So, do things go slow around here?" I asked Abel. He turned to face me with his sweet brown eyes and smiled.
"Not really, it's just that the owner wants sales to go up, there really isn't anything bad about being greedy is there?" he asked rhetorically.
"Not at all," was my response.
"Agreed." he said and looked at his watch.

"This is your first day and it is so laid back, you are lucky Quinn!" he said jumping in his spot.
"Does it get boring when it's laid back?" I asked.
"Well, now that you're here!" he wiggled his eyebrows.
"Woah dude! I barely know you," I warned.
"Hah! Quinn, you're classic! What were you thinking you perv! I was just saying we could play cards or something!" he said laughing loudly.

I let out a huff of air.

"Ooh, classic." He said wiping off a small tear of joy.
"Man, you should hang out with me and my friends!" he offered.
"Why?" I asked.
"Aw, you don't want to hang out with me?" he said with a silly pout.
"No, not like that Abel. I meant like why me?" I asked him.
"Oh, because you're such a rose petal! So innocent and pure! This isn't the first time you say things like that!" he insisted.

Earlier he had walked in while I was changing into my uniform shirt and I panicked. I had never been one to be into locker-rooms. I always panicked! So, I see why he would say, fragile and innocent.

"Man...hold up a second. Got a message!" he called out and pulled his phone onto the counter and unlocked his phone!

"Damn," he whispered.
"What?" I asked, a bit interested.
"Got tickets to some concerts! I've been part-timing at venues," he answered.
"Oh cool, my boyfriend wants to start a band," I said.
"Boyfriend?" he questioned. I then blushed and cursed myself for the words, I'm not really sure if people are still fucked up on the gay/lesbian treatment.

"Sorry, if I made you feel uncomfortable," I apologized.
"Nah, dude! No probs! Full supporter of the colorful supporters of love! People who surpass criticism, and love each other no matter what!" He said cheerfully.

"You have nice dimples," I commented.
"Oh, you like them?" he teased once more wiggling his eyebrows.
"Dude!" I called out, rolling my eyes playfully. I walked to the other side and sat on a stool.
"These dimples are basically fake," he said.
"What?" I questioned.
"Yup, take a look at this," he said. He pulled out a small box from his apron, we had matching ones by the way.

He opened the box and pulled out two shiny diamonds. He placed them within his cheek range and when completed. He had dimple piercings that made him look cool.

"Awesome," I added.
"Of course bro! Have the ladies clinging at venues!" He said throwing his arms in the arm.
"Oh, why is that?" I asked rhetorically.
"It's also my tattoos," he said.
"Okay, now you're just bragging!" I said.
"You don't have tattoos?" he asked.
"Nope," i answered.

"Lame! I'm sure they would look nice on your pale skin," he commented and pulled out a pastry from the counter and ate one.

"Should you even be doing that?" I asked, with a chuckle on the side.
"I'm spoiled," he shrugged.
"Hmm...if you're like this, what re your friends like?" I asked.
"I don't know. If you're interested, we can go to the concert," he offered. I tilted my head and thought about it.
"I've never been to a concert," i said sincerely.
"What?!" He said shocked.
"Yup, parents just never allowed it," I replied to his shock.

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