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(Kellin's POV)

"So, it's a..." I looked around the street looking for the coffee shop and whispereing to myself.

I looked for signs that would lead me to the shop, but found myself a bit lost and out of control with my environment. I wasn't accustomed to many cars, seeing that I used to live in a weird lonely city...I kept looking around and finally found my destination!

I knew I should've let Jaime accompany me, but he had to work and I didn't want to bother. He had offered to skip a day at work, but what if his manager or boss or someone gets mad! I wouldn never forgive myself. He has graveyard hours and coincedentaly he got the day-shift, today.

I walked in to the coffee shop I had located and looked around, just as Jaime had described, there wasn't enough activity in the small cafe.

"Can I help you?" I heard a voice. I looked over and saw a guy, that older than me, walking out to the counter.

I cleared my throat and walked over to the counter.
"I was reffered by a friend...to the owner, I guess," I said.
"Oh, I was told about that. The owner isn't here at the moment," he said.

"Well, that's too bad. I'll come back later," i said, feeling awkward. I was taking a step back to leave when he started a new conversation.

"Well, she's not here, but i know her new attempt to find good looking guys. How about I give you a form and test yourcoffee-shop skills," he said.

"Oh, that sounds cool," i said.

"I'll go get a form and a pen. We'll see from there." He did as he said, and I headed to a table and began to fill the form, feeling uncomfortable about his presence.

I filled the main part out...info about myself: name, age...height?

Well, I tried my best attempting to fill out the form, but as soon as I got to the part of previous jobs, or skills...I was totally bummed out!

I filled the one-page form and walked back to the counter only to see that he wasn't staring at me, he was on his phone. Making me feel like a dumbass! Sometimes, I'm just too self-conscious!

He looked at the form...

"Okay, Kellin...I'm Abel," he said looking at the form more closely.

"No skills huh, no past references," he commented, looking up at me and I nodded in response.

"Well, the next step...would be me testing your shop skills. From there I'll grade you and inform the owner. She'll be the last to decide if you're hired or not," He confirmed.

"Right," I mumbled.

"Well, step right in," he said lifting the counter-top and letting me enter.

"So, this is basic use of machinery?" I asked.
"Basic use! Running a coffee-shop it a talent...it is a form of art," he joked, I obviously laughed in response.

"Okay thyen, just press any button that is asked for in the oder, so if I ask for a cappuccino, what you you do?" he asked.
"I grab a cup and place it under the machine and press cappiccino," I answered.
"Correct, same for the rest...if you have any questions or concerns, then what would you do?" He asked.

"Ask you or the owner," I answered.
"See, simple as one two three," he said cheerfully. He then sighed and looked at his watch.

"That's a record, less than four minutes... Kellin, I'm sure you'll be hired soon. i have your phone number, expect a call from the owner soon," he said, walking over to the counter and lifting the top.

"That's it?" I asked as Iw alked out.
"What, you wanna test on cleaning the toilets? Be my guest!" He joked.
"I'll just wait for the call," i said and I walked out with a ridiculous smile.

I Hope That I Make You ProudDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora