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Ahsoka's POV

She woke to warm light on her face, it shone through her eyelids waking her up. Ahsoka shifted underneath a scratchy blanket, the bed she lay on was lumpy. She didn't mind it though, it much more comfortable than the cell she was in at Jabba's Palace.

Jabba's Palace. Ahsoka's blue eyes flew open, and she sat up in a small tan room filled with sunlight. She immediately wished she hadn't, blood pounded in her head and her stomach churned. She closed her eyes and waited for the feeling to pass. When it did she studied the place she was in. She sat in a creaky bed, the room empty. Her eyes flashed to her lightsabers that lay on a table next to her bed.


Ahsoka wondered if it was a trick of some sort. She didn't know where she was, and couldn't remember what had happened when the Stormtroopers arrived to take her away. One thing she was certain of: the Empire didn't have her. Someone else did, someone foolish enough to leave her lightsabers within her reach.

She rolled to her feet, silently grabbing her weapons on the way, and limped out of the room. She stood in a short, bare hallway. No one was in sight, but she sensed someone was there. Someone who was in the next room.

She stood against the wall, lightsabers in hand and shuffled down the hall. As she approached the doorway she paused, closing her eyes, gathering her strength. One breath: In. Out. One finger: poised over her saber. One pair of eyes slowly opening.

She spun out from the hall, lightsabers whooshing and humming, and pointed the tip of one at a man standing right in front of her.

"Ahsoka?" Obi-Wan Kenobi stood before her hand resting on his own lightsaber, a surprised look on his face.

She stared unable to move.

"You know I figured you'd be alarmed, but I didn't think you'd actually point your lightsaber at me." He stood before her, speaking in a calm voice. He stood before her.

Ahsoka wanted to shout for joy seeing he was alive. She wanted to rush forward and hug him, she wanted to ask him how he was after all this time. But all she felt was the pain of the lies she was told, so she stood, markings furrowed unsure of what to do. Then she figured deactivating her lightsabers might be a good first step, so she did so.

"It's good to see you again Ahsoka. You've grown up." His face was the same as it always had been. Maybe a little more lined, a little more tired, but still the same.

She wanted to say how good it was to see he was alive and well. How good it was to see someone she hadn't realized she had missed so much, but instead she said something else.

"You lied to me." The words left her mouth and fell onto the floor.

He didn't move, he seemed to sense she wasn't finished so he didn't say anything, but guilt was evident on his face.

She turned away, hands shaking. "You lied to me. You lied to me...and- and do you know what happened?" She faced him again.

"Do you know?" She felt her throat tighten and she knew she was on the brink of crying. She also knew she was in the brink of raging anger, and that scared her.

"I find myself face to face with the one person who was supposed to be dead The one person who I trusted, believed in and deeply cared about. A leader a best friend a strong role model, except he was none of those things anymore. He stood before me, a monster and tortured me."

"Asked me where he could find you, and the whole time I'm praying that I don't break, that I won't break because if I do I know that it will be my fault you died it would be my fault, and then I would only end up dead right beside you, along with others who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If I could just hold out long enough to convince him of the protocol it would be fine. And I did hold out." She took a breath and forged on.

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