Order 66

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First a note: I'm not lying. I hated myself writing this. Just saying. Poor Snips. :(

Ezra's POV

Ahsoka lay on the bed in the small medical area on the Ghost. Hera lay on one right next to her sleeping. Ahsoka was unconscious and injured all over. Ezra was surprised that she had had the strength to Force push Vader away.

Sabine came by his side. "She hasn't woken up?" She asked quietly.

"No. Do you think she'll be ok?" He asked.

"I'm sure she'll be fine. She's strong. Her and Hera both." She laid a hand on his shoulder. "Trust me she'll be alright."

Ahsoka's POV

She frantically flipped switches and buttons, and her small ship roared to life. She had to get to Coruscant. She heard that the Temple had been attacked, which she didn't believe at first until she started to feel deaths through the Force.

Ahsoka feared that when she arrived there would be no one left. She began to access the old temple frequency, luckily her code still worked. It was admitting the all clear, asking all remaining Jedi to return to the temple. Well she may not be Jedi anymore, but she had to know what happened.

She piloted her ship into space and jumped to light speed. Rapping her hands on the ship, nervousness and impatience increasing with each passing second. She felt herself searching through the Force, for familiar signatures. But each time she came close to something, she stopped herself. She would discover what would be discovered when she reached the Temple.

Half an hour, she was only half an hour away but it felt like an eternity. About 12 minutes in, the frequency changed. It said not to return to the Temple, that it was a trap, and all Jedi were told to go into hiding.

Ahsoka frowned. She wasn't sure what to do. She wanted to go to the Temple but her gut was telling her to trust the new transmission.

She decided she would go to the Senate, and find Padmé Amidala, and ask her what was going on. She was a Senator, surely she would know something.

About 20 minutes later her ship shot out of hyperspace. The familiar glow of Coruscant shone below like a welcome homecoming. She hadn't realized how much she missed it until now.

After a convincing lie to Coruscant authorities Ahsoka landed at the Senate building. Slipping on an old coat that reached the tops of her boots, she walked outside and headed to the entrance.

Before she reached the door it opened and she darted behind a column. Peering around it she saw a familiar figure.

"Senator Chuchi." Ahsoka called quietly, stepping out from the column.

"Who's there?" The young woman asked fearfully.

"It's me, Ahsoka Tano. Do you remember?" She asked as she approached her.

The Senator from Pentora looked at her closely. "Yes, yes I do. But what are you doing here? It's not safe!"

"Not safe? Here at the Senate? What do you mean?" Young Ahsoka frowned.

"I mean that it isn't safe! Your kind are being hunted down! Why have you come here?" Chuchis pale blue face was full of fear. She kept glancing around like they were being watched.

"I've come to speak with Senator Amidala. She is here isn't she?"

The Pentora Senator shook her head, "No. She's gone. The last I heard, she flew off in her ship and didn't return."

Suddenly she felt like she'd been punched in the gut. Her heart stuttered as she felt another Jedi die. Maybe she should leave Coruscant, being in the open was dangerous. Ahsokas head spun as she tried to clear it. "Where'd she go? Do you know?"

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