Oh.. More Harry, More!

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Hi, it's Faye here and this is my first story ever so if it SUCKS , let me down easy. If you have a few ideas, you can send to me. SO HIT THAT FUCKING BUTTON NOW,! I DEMAND YOU. :-)


So boring being in the studio rehearsing eight hours a day. When I finally get the space, I pull my phone out of my pocket to text cherry.

"hey babe , what are you doing? Boring here at the studio." after a few minutes, my phone vibrated.

From cherry:

"trying to eat cereal with a fork, just so boring without you.. " she sent too me. The kitty face just represents her fragile frame but her curves could kill any one.

"so I'm just asking..... What do you have on right now?"I tried to dirty text her but looking at my choice of words I could see I failed. But to my surprise,

"just a large shirt, no underwear though. Do you wanna see a picture, then be a dick and come over." FUCK! What she does to me, I can never explain. All I could think about now was to get myself into her thrusting according to the beat of our skin slapping each other. I couldn't take it anymore. After a few minutes, the meeting ended and I rushed out off the building and made my way to cherry's house. I knocked a couple of times but no one answered so I went in. I could hear talking upstairs. I followed it and opened the door and saw cherry talking on the phone. She was so sexy in the shirt and all I could see were her thighs raising off the bed which exposed her bum a bit, I was growing harder and harder she her as she repeated her movement. Fuck she turns me on. I enter and she looks my way with a bit of smirk on her face, I knew what she wanted.

Cherry's pov

Without saying anything, he hovered on top of me, smashing his lips on mine, begging me for entrance. I denied as a way of teasing him. He grounded his hips roughly on mine causing me to moan a bit which he took the chance and pushed his tongue in my mouth, dominating mine. He raised my legs up to his waist level as he took his shirt up and pulled his jeans down. He kissed me roughly but yet still full of passion. It was getting so good till I heard giggles from behind the door. I got up and walked over to the door and opened it, making two cheeky people fall down.

"hey cherry, what's up?""Stacy asked hoping I would move on then moving to the next person.

"hey cherry, long time no see, how are you? "seriously I felt like laughing cause Stacy was just by my door, laughing with her crush.

" is something going that I don't know about? "I raised my eyebrow looking at Stacy and immediately she got the message. She grabbed Louis by the arm and ran downstairs. I walked back into the room and met a smiling Harry on the bed. I sat down on him and kissed him.

" so cherry, I was wondering, would you go out to dinner with me? "he chuckled. I smiled and responded nodding my head.

" sure, why not?"he revealed his dimple with a perfect smile as he overtook my lips, taking in every bit of it. It felt so good until....

"knock... Knock... Knock... "someone hit the door.

" um..... Kissy lips better get down here we need to go. "Louis said that and left. Harry looked at me and kissed me gently.

" I'll pick you tomorrow by eight, OK? "

" sure " I said as I kissed him before he got dressed and left.

A/N:sorry I haven't been updating, I have been with my aunt and we're planning her wedding but I promise I will update once I come back.
THANK YOU FOR READING. LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! And please comment on what you think so far on my Fanfic.

Remember MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon