Help Me Please!

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A/n: aww, Love you too @sosa_monae. Thanks for your encouragement and bravery. Everyone check her book out:my personalities and head over heels. Read it, really honest. And yeah, she's right. I'm obsessed with books about one direction and five seconds of summer. Fan her, vote for her and comment on her book. Remember,only good things. Now the story continues....................

Dedicated to @queenrita

"who are you guys?" he asked looking lost. My Eyes widened and Louis seemed stunned, so do the rest of the guys.

"doctor, is he alright? " I asked the man scanning him.

" Mr styles had a terrible hit to the head therefore causing him to temporarily lose his memory. " he turned of his little flashlight before turning to us.

" We just have to help him remember who we are and who he is? " Liam asked with uncertainty in his voice, so hot. The doctor nodded and Lucy jumped onto Harry's lap, squeezing him like a teddy bear.

" I'll take good care of him. " she said holding him as Harry looked at her in disgust. He pushed her off and looked at her with a dirty and nasty look plastered on his face.

" I've got just the right person. " I said as the light bulb in my head brightened up. Alex obviously saw me smirk knowing who I was talking about as we both strutted out the door.

Cherry's POV :

I sat here, crying  my eyes out. Trying  to avoid the fact that Harry never liked me anyway. Just look at me, I'm nothing compared to him. He'll just get up, dust me off his shoulder and return back to his celebrity lifestyle while I sit here, drowning over someone who will never care about me.

"there you are cherry, we need to ask you for a favor? " Alex said, waiting for my reaction.

" if it's about Harry, you can just forget about it. I'm done with him. " I said tilting my head back as I stood up and walked away.

" is she the girl you were talking about Niall? " I turned around, my breath hitched as I stared into Harry's jade colored eyes.

cherry you need to take care of Harry? " Liam practically begged me.

" why? What's going on? " I asked, eager to find out.

" Harry, he lost him memory, and the doctors need a responsible person to take care of him. " Niall said, occasionally glancing at Alex. It was all my fault they couldn't go for their date, I'll just have to make it up to them. Now back to the answer.

" what about you guys, you're responsible? " I said, Louis chuckled.

" cherry, have you met us? We are the total opposite of responsible. Well Liam can behave once in a while, but we are naturally born disasters. " I laughed as he said that but I harder when Liam smacked his head from behind before paying close attention to me.

" so what do you say? Will you help Harry? " Stacy crossed her fingers, hoping to get a yes to escape from my lips but I was gonna say no anyway.

" i might not know who you are but you are much more calm that that other girl. " he said pointing over to Lucy, who was applying much more makeup making her look fake.

" so, do you agree to help me? " Harry stared intensely into my eyes.

" su... Sure, I guess so. " I shuttered  as the guys nearly exploded with excitement, the girls giggling obviously talking about me and Harry. And you might ask what was Harry doing? Smiling, showing off his award winning dimples.

" I knew I could count on you. " Stacy half said, half yawned showing off her pearly white teeth.

" you guys should go home, I'll sort everything here. " I said, they all nodded.

" now Harry, let's sign your release forms and get you out of here. " I said as his cheeks tinted pink a little bit. We go into the doctor's office and I sign his release forms, making me his legal Guardian, even though he was older than me. My phone beeped, telling me that I had a message.

" hey cherry, Liam said you should go over to Harry's apartment so you can both stay the night. Have fun, Stacy. " I wear out before facing Harry. He was so happy that he was gonna stay with me. Oh if only Harry was like this everyday, I would love him forever. He kept on bouncing up and down on the ride back to his apartment. Thankfully, Louis sent his address to me . that reminds me, how did they get my number? Probably Alex.

"so in what way am I related to you? " he asked seriously. My heart picked up its pace as I slowly began to think off a lie, ding!

" I work for you, you're a musician. A great one if I may add. You're in a band. " I said, he nodded as we opened the door of his apartment.

" That must mean I'm loaded with money? " he asked, waiting for an answer. I nodded as I debated on what to get for him to eat. I look at the clock and it show that it's 10:30pm.

"harry,r yah hungry?"  I asked.

"I'll just have a sandwich. " he said as I made sandwiches for us. I sat over to him and we both ate as he asked me questions, randomly popping in his head.

" time to go to bed"  I said falling slowly asleep as we both watched 21 jump Street.

"you tried? " he asked and my loud yawn set him up.

" here come closer" he said scooting even closer to me and I need up some how sleeping on his chest, his bare chest.

"goodnight Harry " I moaned, he chuckled.

" goodnight cherry" he said back before I fell asleep.

A/n: oh my gosh, I got a 101 freaking votes on this book, I love you guys so much. You have just lighten my day. I absolutely cried when I saw this, it was just amazing. You guys rock. This chapter is sort of boring Cause it's just a filler. Don't forget to vote, comment(really, I need to see what you guys think of my book) and fan. Hugs and kisses, Faye.

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