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Cherry's pov:

it was a perfect day,birds chirping,and the gentle breeze blowing was beautiful until......

"ahhhh....... stacy get up,get up get up get up." i screamed as i throw my left shoe at her.all she does is moan,wiggle a little bit and goes back to sleep.

"there are celebrity guests coming to the studio today,please get up."i shook her over and over.

"alright,alright.i'll get up but don't expect me to treat them like gods,ok?"she scoots and grabs her towel going to take a shower.

"it's 8:30,we need to get by 9 sharp. come on."

"i'm out,i'm out,shhhh......"she came in her work clothes and we entered the car and headed for the studio.we got there by 9:30 unsuccessfully but the studio was packed with fans of all ages.we struggled to get in but on getting in my hair was a mess. stacy got to her station which was the reception.

"here a brush,do something to your hair then grab a cup of tea or at least look dead."she mocked.i went into the toliet to clear myself before meeting the celebrities that i would have to work with.

""my phone vibrated.i grabbed it and opened the message.

from harry:

"how's my little lady?" was he serious with this.

"at work,have to meet some people and help on somethings,you know the usual."i texted him back. within minutes,he replied.

" awww......isn't that cute.ok.. call you later,babe." he ended.

"sure." well i finished my hair and made my way to the recording booth.with hot coffee in one hand and work files in hand,i opened the door and went in.

"ok,who am i meeting today?"

"cherry!"i heard a familiar voice shout.


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