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"you?"she exclaimed as she walked in letting her cup of coffee out of hand.i was really surprised. what was she doing here.

"i work here harry." oopps......i guess i let my thought slip out of my mouth.

"cherry,these are the celebrities you will be working with until they leave for tour which is in about two months,good luck and behave."her boss authorised her. after he left,she decides to intro duce herself formally to the guys.

"hi,i'm cherry and i'll be helping you with everything you need."

"i need food" niall enscripted

"i need a snack" liam asked

"i need nothing" louis mumbled

"i need you" i cheekly said. she decided to answer us according to the pattern of how we asked.

"yes.....yes......ok.......no!" see that she punctuated the "no" talking to me.

"OK, shall we? she asked as she held the door open. Everyone went out but as soon as it got to me, I held the door for her to go out before shutting it. She took us around the studio and then we landed in the cafeteria. Niall started to tear up.

"Niall, what's wrong? "she asked.

" it's just so beautiful, cookies!!! "Niall dashed towards the delicious pastry. Everyone scrambled leaving me and her before Niall caught our attention again.

" hey guys, you have to try this. "he said running in our way with a triple deluxe chocolate chip cookie. He accidentally triped and sent the cookie flying and it landed on cherry's white shirt. It had a huge brown stain on the front which Niall tried to clean off but only made it 10x worse.

"I'll go change"said cherry as she pushed niall's hand down.

"I'm so sorry."Niall cried.

"it's OK, excuse me."she left but I wasn't just ready to let her run off.


"hey Stacy, can you get another shirt for me?"I asked as she admired the huge stain on my shirt.

"so you're telling me, Niall Horan did this to you. Awesome!"she smiled.

"anyway, I'll wait for you in the restroom. OK?"

"sure."she answered as I ran to the toilet. I went in and thankfully it was empty. I took my shirt off and stared at my black and red lace bra in the mirror.

"holy shit."I heard someone curse behind me. I turned around and saw Harry as his eyes trailed all over my chest.

"what are you doing here?" he walked closer and closer until there was no more space between us. My breathe hitched as he drew himself closer till I was leaning over the sink and he was hovering over me.

"I just wanna take off your clothes and leave you naked,admiring your ass."he saidsaid cheeky as he leaned down and placed a sweet kiss on my lips which later turned into a hungry kiss. He grounded hips against mine running his palms up and down my thighs.

"hey cherry, I got you a shirt." Stacy busted into the toilet then froze looking at what we doing. But as soon as the door busted open again, I knew this time it was gonna be trouble.

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