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A/n: you guys are awesome, I feel so loved even though I didn't expect this book to be this big. Love every single one of you. This chappie is dedicated to@mrszaynnn.

Cherry's POV:

I woke up to Slight shuffling near me. I turn my head to meet Harry's eyes wide open, staring at me.

"good morning. " he said as his morning voice took my breath away. I sat up, my hair in different waves and curls while his was still curled to perfection.

"good morning"  I replied as he sat up too. He looked at me for a moment, scanning me like he was trying  to make out a picture before he dropped his stare.

"what's for breakfast? " I asked as he smiled a little bit.

" I'm gonna try to make something that popped into my head" he said smirking mysteriously. Oh my gosh, Harry styles is gonna cook for me, yes yes yes, yeah! Total fangirling. I packed my hair into a messy ponytail and made my way downstairs. I took the last step to see two plate with pancakes on it. He smiled, placing two cups of lemonade on the coasters and pulling out a chair for me to sit on. I rolled my eyes at his cheesy ways and sat down. He tucked me in and ran over to his sit which was in front of me.

"so....?" he asked, nodding for to take a bite out of the mountain of pancakes in front of me. God help me, what if Harry styles, the Harry styles is a really bad cook, I can't tell him that. I slowly put a piece of my now sliced pancake. I chewed on it and my eyes bust open and I choke, coughing wildly. He looked sad and ran over to me, rubbing large and soothing circles on my back trying to calm me down.

"is it that bad? " he asked and I stood up.

" bad, bad bad? That was the most heavenly pancake I've ever had. " I said and his face brightened up as I said that.

" but you were choking? "

" I wasn't choking, I was trying to savour the flavor. It's so good, is this chocolate chip? " I asked  talking  to fast for him to catch up.

He chuckled softly..." guess you do like it. " I nodded my head repeatedly just stuffing  the pancake into my mouth.

" some called Tommo Tomlinson said you should take me out" he read out off his phone. Louis!

"sure get ready and I'll will show you some places just to try and juggle your memory. " I said finishing off the last pancake on my plate. I ran up to take a shower and got dressed in a ripped blue skinny jeans, a red shirt, a sweater since it was pretty cold and a pair of snickers.

" hey cherry, can I come in? "

" yeah its open. " I replied and in walked Harry with a simple tee-shirt and his all to usual skinny jeans and boots.

" you look great cherry. "

" you don't look to bad too, styles" I said and he smirked, taking a step to close, I took a step back and we both continued this movement till my back hit the wall and Harry was invading my personal space. He stared into my eyes and his eyes flickered a bit to my lips then back to my eyes.

"I know what you want but you're not gonna get it. " I said trying to overcome the effect he had and will always have on me.

" we'll see about that " he said clashing his lips against mine causing me to fall into the deepest trap anyone could ever encounter, Love!

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A/n: so what do you guys think, she finally admitted that she loves Harry. Sorry it was short and I will be really busy so I don't really know when I'll be back or able to update again. Love you guys and will be back soon.  And happy almost birthday, Harry. Yeah that's right, Harry styles birthday is on Monday so get your instagram working and post post post, Love love kisses from faye

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