"Hey watch it!" I yelped, grabbing the back of my head.

"No! I will not forget anything. That douchebag could have done things in a more respectful way. He didn't have to humiliate you in front of everyone!" She yelled, slamming her fists into her bed.

"Well it is what it is," I sighed. "And technically the only person he humiliated me in front of was you."

This conversation was absorbing the last ounces of life I had left in me.

"Oh my God, who the hell does James Lawson think he is? That ass douche! Just wait 'til school on Monday, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind in front of everyone!" She declared, loudly.

"Calm down!" I ordered, hoping to God that she wouldn't do anything to make me feel even worse. "The feelings, the stupid situation, it'll all be over by Monday. You don't need to show anyone anything."

"Yeah, okay, we'll see," She said a touch quieter.

My stomach knotted. I knew this girl better than she knew herself.

I looked at her and was gifted with another innocent 'What?' face. I shook my head, desperately trying to enforce some ground control in the matter, since it was about me. But she just shrugged and layed back down.

Great, just great.

With Jenna, 'We'll see' meant 'That's for damn sure'.

Now, Monday would definitely be a day I wouldn't be looking forward to ........AT ALL.

What does poison ivy look like again? Perhaps getting infected by a sudden rash will be a good enough excuse to stay home on Monday.

Here's hoping.


Monday appeared in a blink of an eye.

I woke up with a freaking headache.

I pulled back my blanket and swung my legs out of bed. A jolt surged through me as my feet hit the cold, wooden floor. It brought me back to Earth, reminding me that the day could go one of two ways, both of which were up to Jenna. I headed straight for the bathroom across the hall where my scale was patiently awaiting me.

Five minutes later...


I dropped my toothbrush back into its holder and went to the doorway, bypassing the mean machine, its numbered face glaring up at me from the floor.

"I'm not ready, Mom!" I yelled down the hallway before returning to my room.

"You're going to be late! Hurry!" She yelled, bypassing my room.

I stood in front of my floor-length mirror, checking how my pajamas looked on my body. They had a purple and red heart pattern across them. A little babyish if you asked me. They were also old and not my size. Mom had bought them over a year ago in the hopes that they'd fit one day. I wasn't there yet, much to her disappointment.

"Yeah, whatever. It is what it is," I declared to my reflection.

I opened up my closet. Determined to find an amazing outfit, I sorted through my selection and pulled multiple things out. I laid them out on my bed and took a step back to observe. I had to make the right decision. Today was definitely not the day to look like crap.

I picked up my dark blue skinny jeans and tight black shirt that went passed my hips. I checked my reflection after changing clothes.

Not bad.

Young Annabelle (Y.A Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now