"Bye, mom," I replied to her statement, hugging her before grabbing my keys and heading into the car. If my estimations were right, I would be there with 2 minutes to spare. Revving the engine, I started to car and made my way to school. It was decorated beautifully, when I got there.

There was ribbons of different kinds of blue that hung from the ceiling and a black tile floor. The table cloths and cups were green, and everybody looked beautiful. Especially Annabeth, with her white/silver sweetheart neckline and green straight green bottom the reached the floor. The only thing that didn't look good on her, was the boy standing next to her. 

I immediately recognized he wasn't from our school. He had unruly black raven hair that matched perfectly with his black tux. He had a green tie on that matched Annabeth dress and had a arm wrapped tightly around her waist. I saw he glaring at the guys who stared at Annabeth and pulled her closer to him every time he did so.

l could see the guy raise his free hand at Malcolm and shoot him a wave and then beckoned him over to talk with them. 

So he knew Malcolm too?! Who is this guy?! 

I decided to find out for myself. 

"Hey, Annabeth," I walked over and positioned myself next to Malcolm. "Who's this?" I asked, tuning to the guys holding her.

"Nate, this is my boyfriend Percy. Percy, this is my friend Nathan," she introduced us.

"Hey," he greeted, holding out his hand for a shake. I nodded my head cooly towards him and took his hand, only touching it for a second before pulling it back. This guy didn't look smart, how did her get Annabeth as a girlfriend. 

The rest of the party was a blast. . . NOT! I kept having to watch Annabeth and Percy making cute gestures towards each other and trying hard not to throw up. It was a drag. I had barely anyone to talk to since Malcolm was off talking with some girl and Percy and Annabeth were no where to be found. Thinking about that, it was strange that I hadn't seen them around for the past couple of minutes. 

Shaking my head of the thought, I decided to go outside to get some fresh air before I left. I went out to the parking lot and was about to go in my car when I saw two people sitting on a bench. I crept closer and to my surprise, saw Percy and Annabeth!

Annabeth laughed at something Percy said. "Oh, and the time you got tuned into a ginea pig!" she lauded, holding her stomach while Percy pouted.

"It's not funny," he whined. She giggled some more and then kissed Percy's cheek. 

"Love you too, Seaweed Brain," she talked. 

I was bursting. "Annabeth you don't' know what you're talking about. We're to young to fall in love, he'll probably break your heart in a couple of weeks!" I screamed and came out from behind them, fuming at what I just heard.

I saw her tense up before replying to me. "Percy will never break me heart. He is the most loyal person out there, too loyal for his own good. He will get himself killed if he keeps being so. I love him so much it hurts sometimes, and I know for a fact he feels the same way. He would go through hell for me and I would do the same for him," she threatened me to go farther. 

Ignoring the edge to her voice, I continued. "How long have you to known each other, huh. I bet you've only been dating for one month at tops," I had known Annabeth for four years now. Now way he can top that.

This time Percy answered. "I've known her, for six years, and have dated her for one," he said, glancing at Annabeth to continue. 

"I think we shouldn't be around each other until the school years ends, Nathan," she whispered. "I;m dating Percy, and you need to take that in," 

"But he's not even smart!" I pleaded Annabeth.

"He's smart in his own  way, even if that doesn't include math. Goodbye, Nathan," she walked away as Percy put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to him. I saw them get in Percy's car and heard him whisper to Annabeth once again how beautiful she was. 

He might have Annabeth, but at least I have brains as my girlfriend. 

That sounded weird.

HEY! Guys, I just wanted to tell you something. Some of you, not all, have been talking about how I put charatars with another character that's already in a ship. I never do that unless someone asks me to. So please don't get upset and comment that you becuas you're not happy. Keep those comments to yourself please, because it makes me feel bad. If someone wants to be with Nico, then I'll put them with Nico. Thank you so much for understanding. Love and bye! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):))):))))

-Daughter of Posedon 

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