The Great and Mighty: Jabba the Hutt

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His deep and unfeeling  laugh filled the room. Ahsoka tried not to cringe at the disgusting figure that appeared before her. He was still as repulsive as she  remembered. She couldn't believe that she once had risked her life for his son. A sliver Protocol droid shuffled forward next to the giant Hutt. Jabba spoke in the garbled language that was Huttese, the music ceased as the droid stepped forward and spoke.

"The Great and Mighty Jabba the Hutt wishes to know why you have come here at this late hour."

Boba gripped her orange arm and shoved her forward. Ahsoka collapsed, unable to stand on her own, making her way to close for comfort to the slug before her. Jabba studied her longer than she liked.

"I found this Jedi following me." Boba's voice came from behind her.

Jabba's eyes widened, his deep voice sounded in the room, she only caught an astonished Jedi and Togruta. The rest were words she didn't understand.

"The Great Jabba wishes to know why you brought her here." The Droid asked, it's head turning stiffly. It reminded Ahsoka of the protocol droid Padmé had, one Anakin had built when he was a boy.

"I brought her here because I know you have connections with the Empire. I've heard they're searching for Jedi, for which they're willing to pay handsomely for."

Ahsoka struggled to sit up. No she would not go back to the Empire. Not back to that room, to the pain, the questions. The cage......

The Bounty Hunter shoved her back down. Jabba mumbled something.

"Jabba the Magnificent," Ahsoka wanted to gag. "Wants to examine the Togruta and wishes to see proof that she is a Jedi."

Ahsoka's head shot up in surprise. Examine her? Proof? She wasn't going to be examined.

The Bounty Hunter grabbed her by her back headtail and yanked her up, Ahsoka struggled in his grip.

"She was carrying these." He produced her two lightsabers, she stared hungrily at the familiar hilts. All she had to do was use the Force and she would have her weapons. She would be free from his grip, he held fast to her headtail. But, that was what the Bounty Hunter wanted, to tempt her to use the Force and prove that she was a Jedi. Well she wasn't going to let him.

Jabba's eyes widened, and he spoke loudly. The droid translated,

"Jabba does not think that two lightsabers are enough proof. Not from a Bounty Hunter who takes trophies."

Ahsoka could've sighed aloud. Boba let go of her head and stepped back. Off balance she fell to the floor.

"Fine." He turned drew his blaster and fired.

Screams erupted through the room. Jabba's gasping and yelling, the droid exclaiming. But nothing was louder than the Twi'lek's screams as she lay of the floor cradling her arm.

Ahsoka stared in horror. Memories came back to her, terrible dark memories. Hera screaming as she was ruthlessly tortured. Her own desperate yells to make her suffering stop. She couldn't breathe, she was at his mercy again. He was searching for the truth. She wouldn't let him have it. She wouldn't let him hurt anyone anymore.

Anger rooted deep inside rose. Anger from pain, pain from lies and lies that tore through her mind.

I would never let anyone hurt you Ahsoka. Never.

With a cry she reached out to the Force and found it. Except this part was cold, a chilling cold she had only felt once. Long ago on Mortis.

There is a wildness to you, seeds of the Darkside planted by your Master.

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