27º- Fight

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As soon as I set foot outside the hospital took my mobile and called my mother, to know where they were.

Only at the third attempt it is that my mother answered me.

* call *

- Daughter now is not a good time, you'd better go home and letting your sister alone.

- Alone? But I did not do anything wrong, why is she like this?

- She thinks you and Harry had something on her back

- But that girl is stupid? I was just his friend, not my fault he remembers my name.

- I know, but you know how she is. Go, go home and then we talk better.

She hung up and I feel like just throwing the phone to the floor. I started walking toward the bus.

- that is just dumb ! its not my fault that he likes me more than her!

I stopped for a brief second to analyze what he had to say on the street.

Is it that? The reason he remembers my name and not her?

Now doesn't matter.

The bus arrived and finally i also got home.

My mother has not come so I can go to my room and shut myself up there to not have to deal with my crazy sister, and that's exactly what I did.

I lay down on the bed and put even headphones with loud music not to hear them coming, but it did not serve much because as soon as they arrived, Tamara went upstairs with immense brutality and entered my outburst room, taking the my headphones and grabbing me like we're fighting right now.

Only I saw anger in her eyes.

- What you had with him? And do not say anything because he would not remember you if you were nothing!

- Tamara release me now! - Said moving me, trying to reach something in her to drop me but it was useless, her anger was talking louder and she was not affected by anything.

- Tamara we're just friends, good friends maybe!

- Friend? But who wants to be friends with a weak and nerdy like you? No one. Nobody wants to remember you the only person who can you truly love is the thomas but neither in that you give attention. - She dumped me onto the bed.

- No one wants to remember me, but the only thing that Harry withheld, It was me , my name. And you? Anything.

If it was not my mother to appear at that time, I believe she had hit me.

* 2 Weeks later *

Till that day I did not see Harry, I told him that returned to visit him but when I went, his room was empty and the nurse said that his family had gone to get him. So I'm rested.

Since that discussion, me and Tamara never spoke again, not even one word.

But otherwise, everything is as it was before, even before this mess with Harry.

Thomas, in only two weeks has come more than before and I have been able to concentrate more at school.

I just liked to see him again, I to know what happened and how he is.

If only I knew his family dwelling could go visit him but i dont know that either

I Guess I'll have to wait for him to come back.

My sister's Boyfriend #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now