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Kesse felt anger flaring in her eyes as tears clambered out. She screamed,"YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MY FRIEND!" Cusses flew towards the clock, only to be bounced back into an eco. "I TRUSTED YOUR SORRY @!&!"

She yanked on her restraints in an attempt to free herself. They held tight. The chair creaked and bowed, however. It wasn't a new chair. Kesse gazed down onto her place of sitting. Blood stains spattered across the rotting wood. Pieces of skin and fingernails laced the restraints.

Kesse realized in horror that someone, or multiple people, had been killed here. Her wrists were rubbed raw from straining against her confinement. The leather had been stitched and repaired several times, yet she couldn't release herself. She inhaled deeply and bit at the crude stitching.

It smelled like rotten cheese and decomposing rats. It tasted far worse than that. Kesse pulled her tongue as far back as she could, and hooked her front teeth under a string. She pulled as hard and quick as she could. It gave way!

She did it for the rest of the leather. Each and everyone tasted as awful or worse than the last. The clock tower seemed to watch her attempted escape. It mocked her with its constant rhythm.

She had freed one hand. She unbuckled the other. The leather was tough under her fingers as it became useless. She bent down and ripped her legs free of duck tape. She rubbed the burning skin.

She was going to go find who did this....
Kill them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2015 ⏰

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