Don't fight.

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Kesse tapped her foot anxiously. She cast a quick glance around. She was absolutely terrified. She swore a shadow shifted towards her. She blinked her eyes rapidly. She looked down the road and checked her watch. "11:18. It should be here soon," her voice quavered. She heard no engine squeaking to a halt; no engine at all. The last two minutes passed swiftly. "Well ain't this fabulous," she tried to laugh.

"Mhm," a voice seemed to reply. Her blood froze. Kesse knew not stay and ponder who it could be. She jumped into a dead sprint back to the house. She was just plainly done with her paranoid self. She stopped halfway to her house when she heard an engine roar to life. She turned and saw a black SUV. "FREE CANDY" was written on the side in crooked letters.

She wasn't a fool. She backed up towards the cracked door again, only to be over taken by a shadow. A bag covered her face and she was pulled the opposite way she came.

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