Stop Here

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Kesse was wary of the staring eyes from the streets. The peoples' faces were obscured. Their eyes were blazing into Kesse from all directions; like she was to blame for everything that has happened.

She sank lower into her seat as they passed another horde of people. Her phone buzzed and it turned on. She hesitantly opened the text.

Unknown: Watch who you talk to.

Kesse's hand shook as another message arrived.

Unknown: Trust only two.

Kesse thought to respond, but decided against it. The car squelched to a halt. A dark house loomed in front of them. "Thanks," Kesse tried to open her door. "Uh... Sike?"
"Beware," it sounded like a small whisper from the breeze, but Kesse knew it was Sike speaking. He turned back. "Oh! Sorry." He frowned and clicked the lock open. Kesse crawled out into the frigid air. She waltzed into the oil-needing door. She had spaced out already. She felt for the golden door knob.

Kesse slunk into the couch and rubbed her eyes. She should have asked Sike to take her to the hospital. She groaned before taking her phone out. She tapped on "messages". She shivered as she changed it from "Unknown" to "Serayah :D".

Kesse: Ugh.... I hate to ask, but can Sike give me a ride to the hospital?

There was no immediate reply. She rubbed her aching forehead and put her phone back in her pocket. Darkness spun into Kesse's eyes as she fell into the world of dreams. The last thing from the real world she heard was a door creaking open and a sinister laugh.

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