Tick Tock

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The giant bell tower rung out across the land. 'One.... Two..... Three.... Four...' Kesse painstakingly counted the clocks rhythmic bongs. Another hour had passed. Jami was meant to return at 11 A.M. It was 4 P.M. Kesse bit her lip nervously. Tears threatened to climb into her eyes. She was worried and scared.

She pushed her hazel hair behind her ear and pulled out her phone. She scrolled to her texts and opened "Jami Bear <3". Kesse glanced around. The street was virtually abandoned with the exception of a few passing cars or bikes. She returned her gaze to her phone.

Kesse: Where are you? :(
Jami: I'll pick you up soon. I just ran into a small problem. Don't worry :)

Kesse's voice came out unstably,"12:32." She read when the text was sent. She held back a small sob. She knew she couldn't wait for another hour. She clicked the home button and clicked on the phone icon. She used her thumb to click on "Mom". She raised the phone to her ear.
"The person you have tried to reach is not available. Please leave a message after the tone." The answering machine made the fear tugging on her heart pull more viciously. Beeeeeeeep. "Hey, mom. I need a ride back home." She dared not mention how many worst case scenarios she can conjure up about Jami. She paced silently across the forgotten sidewalk.

'I'll take the bus, duh.' Kesse checked her pockets for cash. She sighed. She had left her change at home. She only had plastic. 'Never mind.' An Ice Cream truck whizzed by. Even the enjoyable, kid-drawing music caused another stream of terror to flood her mind. She looked around before crossing the street. She would have to wait to return home.

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