Slinking by

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The clock was what awoke Kesse from her world of imagination. A small, broken bird with a horribly painted on beak tweeted it's midnight call. Several BONGS seemed to reply to the alarm. It made kesse's head ache. It was amazingly loud for being outside of a clock...

Kesse saw a flutter of movement above her. She glared at the thing standing at the top of a bigger scaled, torn up bird. It looked straight at Kesse with an empty and shadowed face. Eyes were barely visible from inside the darkness, showing proof of it being alive. Its head tilted down lower to hide their face completely. Its black fedora and vampire-like cloak was the only things visible.

Kesse twisted her face, trying not to flip out. She took in a gulp of air and exhaled. She did it once more. "What are you?," Kesse hesitantly called up. There was only a grunt in reply. The thing bent down and hit a button on the giant bird. It quickly retracted, making the things hat blow off. Kesse gasped as she saw part of the persecutor's face. She couldn't believe it! She felt very betrayed.
The person's face showed of fear and shock as Kesse recognized them. It turned around to face the approaching clock. The strange doors opened and allowed it entrance.
Kesse stared at her trapped self. Tears grabbed at her eyes and escaped.

The Story of KesseWhere stories live. Discover now