I'm done chasing my Original High

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Hey everyone, sorry if this a short chapter... I promise there will be more coming soon. Sorry for not updating this sooner, my laptop broke but it is fixed now :)

Please don't forget to eave a comment and a vote ;)

Love you all,



-Adam's POV-

I was warming up as i walked down the hallways towards stage right. I was putting my right ear piece in and i ran my hand through my hair; trying to calm my nerves. I usually don't get nervous before shows, really i don't. I love performing. I would say it was my original high.

The rush of adrenaline that i get when I step out on stage, the feeling i get when i see everyone dancing, mouthing the words and clapping uncontrollably when the songs were done. You could say that performing is like a roller coaster ride. I would say that it is a drug, the medication i need to make me feel better.

I think i was more nervous because it was my last show in the states. It was in New York, the hometown to my girlfriend; who was dead. Just the thought of her made my heart break. This show will be special because i finally finished the song that i was writing.

"Okay, Adam, you are one in two minutes." Kevin patted me on the shoulder and i gave him a small smile.

I heard the music stop and the audience erupted in cheers. My heart started to beat faster and i knew what i was after. I was after that medication that has been running through my veins from the very beginning.

From where I was standing, I could the lights dim and i saw the band take their places. The music starts up and Ghost Town starts. I walk out on stade and take my spot in the front of the stage. I took a deep breath placed my right hand on the microphone. Taking another deep breath, i started to sing.

Died last night in my dreams

Walking the streets

Of some old ghost town

I tried to believe

In God and James Dean

But Hollywood sold out

Saw all of the saints

Lock up the gates

I could not enter

Walked into the flames

Called out your name

But there was no answer

And now I know my heart is a ghost town

My heart is a ghost town

My heart is a ghost town

My heart is a ghost town

I tried so hard not to cry because this song now has a deeper meaning to me. As the song progressed I felt my chest tighten and my breath caught in my throat as the beat came in. Thank god that the song ended. I didn't think that I would be able to handle another verse or chorus.

The next song started right away and which gave me 2.2 seconds to compose myself. I quickly got into character as i sang the next song.

My life flashed before my eyes

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