Never Close Our Eyes

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 My eyes fluttered opened and I blinked as the bright light filled my eyes. I groaned as I tried to move my hands but something held me down. I looked up to my hands and saw them tied to the bedposts. Then I looked down and saw my legs tied to the bottom bed posts. I sighed and slammed my head back down onto the pillow.

I lied there, thoughts rolled in my head and I wondered if Tommy was okay. I heard the door unlock and my head snapped in the direction of the door.

"Well, well you are finally up." Andrew purred as he walked into the room

"Where is Tommy? What did you do with him?" I glared at him.

He chuckled softly and I felt the cool stinging of the knife blade that he slid across the side of my face. I flinched but quickly regretted it as the knife sliced the side of my face. The blood slowly ran down my face and dripped onto the pillow.

"Don't worry about your friend. He will be okay." He grinned, pulling the blade towards him, "For now." He added giving me a wink.

"Don't you fucking hurt him! He has nothing to do with this!" I exclaimed.

"You know that this was all too easy." My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to figure out what he meant.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"All of this." He threw his arms around in exaggeration, "The whole situation about you and pretty boy breaking up." He slowly walked around the bed, my eyes following him; calculating his every move.

"You made this happen, but why?" I asked but I already knew the answer.

"Because I thought if I couldn't have you then no one else should. So I called up one of my friends who is really good friends with that Finnish guy and the plan was in motion once Sauli came to New York." I narrowed my eyes, glaring at him.

"I gave Sauli the address to the hotel that pretty boy was staying at and it worked out perfectly that you were there." I looked at him in shock, so it wasn't Adam's fault that Sauli came. But it still didn't change the fact that he lied to me about his sexuality.

"You bastard." I glared at him as he stopped at the other side of the room.

He was across the room and back to my side in only a few long strides. The blade pressed against my cheek, digging in deeper, "You better watch your mouth or you will end up with more than just a tiny scratch." He growled and he ripped the blade from my face, causing it to scratch the rest of my jawline.

I didn't flinch because I didn't want him to see that I was afraid and that he had won, so I just stared at him, "You don't fucking scare me." I said, my voice was low.

He leaned over until his face was just inches from mine and his hot breath blew over my mouth, "Oh baby, I can see it in your eyes. You are begging me to let you out of here."

I heard him sigh and he stood back up straighter, an evil sparkle in his eye. He held up the blade and his evil smirk made me shudder; now I was truly frightened.

"Leah? Could you be a sweetheart and hold this for me?" With that said, he slammed the blade into my stomach. Intense pain shot through me and I clamped my mouth shut, my teeth cutting into my tongue. I tasted the metallic taste of my blood as it filled my mouth. Tears overflowed and spilled, mixing with the blood that slowly streamed down my face.

I closed my eyes and I could felt his breath blow across my face; I flinched away, "Wrong words, Sweetheart." He whispered into my ear, a wave of cold shivers ran down my spine and I felt the fear course through my veins.

All of a sudden loud banging came from outside of the door. I opened my mouth and allowed an ear piercing scream as he ripped the blade of out my stomach. My screams were quickly gone as I choked on my own blood that flowed from the cut on my tongue.

"Open up, this is the police." A man's voice sounded from the other side of the door. I felt Andrew cut the ropes and he pulled me up from the bed so that I was standing in front of him. His arm across my chest, holding me and I felt the stinging of the blade on my throat. The door broke off the hinges as one of police officer barged in.

"Drop your weapon and step away from the girl!" The officer infront said as he aimed his gun at Andrew.

"Never! She belongs to me and if you don't leave now; she will die!" He yelled and pressed the blade harder into my throat. I whimpered as blood slowly fell from the cut in my throat.

"Son, we want no harm to come to her Now lower your weapon." The other guy said, as he layed his gun onto the floor and raised his hands in surrender. I felt Andrew hesitate, not sure whether to loosen his grip or to tighten it. I felt his breath turn into short pants and his heart beat pounded into my back.

I slowly lifted my leg, without him knowing and gathered up the rest of my strength. Then I kicked backwards and his grip loosened. He fell to the ground, clutching his crotch and I scrambled across the floor towards the officers. I felt someone pick my up and I smelt the faint smell of Tommy's body spray that clung to his shirt.

"Its okay, Leah. You're safe now." I heard him whisper into my ear. Sobs raked my body and I allowed myself to lean into his arms.

"Andrew Sharp you are under arrest for the attempt of murder and kidnapping of Leah Montgomery and Tommy Joe Ratliff. Anything you say will be held against you in the court of law..." I blocked out the officer and just focused on breathing and staying awake.

"Leah, don't close your eyes. Please never close your eyes." Tommy pleaded as he shook me.

"I'm....tired...Tommy." I whispered, and my eyes got heavy.

"Shes lost too much blood. We have to get her to the hospital right now, or else we will lose her." I faintly heard a medic say.

"Tommy...." I croaked out.

"Yes Leah?" He said, his voice soft but held the sound of him crying.

"Sing... please..." I asked in a weak voice, and I coughed as the blood filled my throat.

"I wish this night would never be over. There's plenty of time to sleep when we die. So lets just stay awake til we grow older. If I had my way we would never close our eyes, our eyes. Never." Tommy's voice wasn't as powerful as Adam's but it still held the same, raw emotion that Adam had.

"Please, stay with my Leah." Tommy cried, black spots clouded my vision and I tried to breathe; but I kept choking on blood.

"We're loosing her." I heard the medic say as they lifted me onto a stretcher. I felt them wheel me off and my vision faded in and out as I struggled to stay conscious.

I felt someone grip my hand and I tried to squeeze it, but I had no strength to, "I'm here, Leah and I'm never letting go." I heard Tommy say, and I felt the ambulance move forward as we left to house.

I felt the darkness pull me under and I fell underneath the blanket of darkness that clouded my vision. My eyes fell shut and everything went black.


Hey my Glamberts, first off thank you guys on already 100 reads!!! Sorry if this chapter was short and a little bit rushed, I had an idea but I kind of lost it in the middle of writing so I just wrote down whatever I was visualized in my head. This book is such a blast to write and I have much more chapters coming soon; so keep your eyes peeled for them.

Also as you guys can see I have a new cover, do you like it?! IM' loving this cover and I would llike to give all the credit to My dear friend SuperGal1997. Thank you again for this amazing cover.

So how are you guys liking this so far? Please leave a comment down below of what you guys think so far. I love when you guys comment, it makes me so happy and I actually see that you guys are enjoying my writing. Please if there is anything that you guys need me to fix, please also put that in the comments down below.

Song of the day: Beg For Mercy by Adam Lambert. What is your guy's song of the day?

Anyways thank you guys for all the support and comments/votes. Please don't forget to leave a comment and a vote ;)

Love you all,


Runnin' From My Heart (Adam Lambert Fan Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora