"Who is he?!"

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-The Next Day-

I woke up to my phone chiming signaling I got a message. My eyes shot opened and almost rolling completely off of my bed, I grabbed my phone from my nightstand. I looked at the screen and saw that he texted me, along with Courtney.I unlocked the screen and opened Courtney's text first.

Courtney: Hey girl, I had to run out for a few minutes. We ran out of coffee.

Me: Okay, hurry back because I don't want to be late. I need caffeine.Then I backed out of her message and went straight for his text message.

A.L: Good morning.

I smiled widely as I replied, my thumbs flew across the screen.

Me: Good Morning.

The little bubble with the three dots appeared underneath my message and his reply was instant.

A.L: How did you sleep?

Me: I slept pretty well. How about you?

A.L: I couldn't sleep. I had a lot on my mind.

Me: Song writing?

A.L: Yeah I can't seem to finish the song. But somehow it will come to me.

Me: Well I have to get ready for school. Text you later.

A.L: See ya later ;)

As I finished putting on my outfit. Which consisted of blue skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black jacket with small rhinestones on the pockets. I brushed my knotty, bed-head and put it in a ponytail. I allowed my bangs to be swept to the right side of my face. Then I grabbed my backpack, headphones and phone. I walked out of my room and down the steps.

As I got to the bottom of the steps, the front door opened and Courtney came walking in. "Finally I need my caffeine this morning." I said as I snatched the coffee container out of her hands and made my way, swiftly into the kitchen.

"Someone seems happy this morning." Courtney said, I put the coffee grinds in the maker; then I turned around to look at her and saw that she was leaning against the doorframe, her arms crossed over her chest.

"I'm just in a good mood, sue me." A smirk played on my face as I pushed off of the counter, and turned back around to fiddle with the coffee maker. As I switched the coffee maker on, my phone rang. I retrieved my coffee mug from the cabinet and I almost dropped it as my heart leaped into my throat; I heard the familiar ringtone blasting from my phone.

"Who is A.L?" Courtney asked as she beat me to my phone.

"No one." I said, as I reached out my hand to snatch it, but she lifted it out of my reach. I tried to jump to get it from her hand, but she was a foot and a half taller than my 5 foot stance.

"Is it him?" She asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity, as the ringtone replayed.

"Courtney, give me my phone." I whined, giving up as my feet landed back on the white tiled floor. A smile slowly came across her face with the tone of my voice changed, "It is him. I knew it." Then I watched in horror as she answered my phone.

"Courtney!" I exclaimed as I lunged for her.

"Hello, Leah's phone. May I ask who I am speaking with?" she held out her hand in front of her and held me back. I heard his voice sounding on the other end and my heart skipped a beat.

"A.L? What does that stand for?" Courtney asked, as she sped across the kitchen as she tried to run from me as I chased after her.

"Courtney, give me my fucking phone." I exclaimed, my heart pounding in my chest. She rolled her eyes and held out the phone to me. I snatched it from her hand and pressed in to my ear.

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