Broken Open

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-Adam's POV-

I was riding in the passenger seat, watching the houses and people pass by as Courtney flew down the road towards the hospital. We were on this frantic chase to Andrew's house, when I got a hysterical call from Tommy. I couldn't fully under stand him but the few little parts I was able to piece together and now we are on our way to the hospital.

"Calm down, Adam. She will be fine." I heard Courtney speak softly to me but I almost didn't hear her through my rapid pounding pulse in my ears.

"I feel like you are trying to say that to yourself. How do yow know she would be fine?" I mumbled as I leaned my head against the cool glass.

"Trust me, she is a fighter. She will pull through." I felt her hand rub my shoulder.

I shrugged it off and glared at her, "Two hands on the wheel Courtney."

She huffed and placed her hand back onto the wheel, "Look I'm not the one who you should be mad at. We didn't know that Sauli would be at the hotel."

I sighed, "Don't fucking say his name." I snapped, I pinched the bridge of my nose. I couldn't even comprehend how Sauli even knew which hotel I was staying at. I haven't spoken to him since I left for tour. In my mind our relationship was done months before my Glam Nation Tour even started. He threw a hissy fit when I kissed Tommy on stage, god that guy is so jealous and it wasn't like the kiss sparked anything with my and Tommy. It was just something we decided to do to get the fans riled up and they seemed to enjoy it. What is the harm in a little stage acting?

I sat up straighter as we pulled into the hospital's parking lot. I frantically unbuckled the seatbelt; cursing at it when it didn't come undone until the third time and I jumped out of the car.

I pushed through the people who were walking out of the hospital and slammed my hands onto the front desk. The woman that was behind the desk jumped and flashed me a thousand watt smile.

"How can I help you today, Mr. Lambert? And may I say it is an honor to be in your very presence I am a huge fan..."

I cut her off, "Look I need the room number to my girlfriend who was brought in here a little while ago. Her name is Leah Montgomery." I took a couple of deep breaths to calm my heart rate and pulse, but my body was shaking violently.

"Oh, sure she is in emergency 14." She said, I heard the disappointment in her voice and I sighed. I grabbed a pen from the desk and a signed the piece of paper.

"Here, thank you so much." I gave her a smile and I motioned with my hand for Courtney to follow me.

We ran down the hallway, dodging the doctors, nurses and a couple of patients walking in the hallway; until I saw the familiar blonde pacing the floors.

"Tommy!" I yelled, as I ran up towards him.

"Adam! Courtney!" He hugged the both up us and I heard him groan in pain.

I pulled back and looked at him, His leg was patched up and he had a his right arm in a sling, "Tommy what did he do to you?" Anger and guilt filled my veins.

This is all my fault. That should be me in the sling, all cut up and bruised; not him.

"Tommy, I'm so..." He raised a finger to my lips.

"This is not your fault, Adam. I was at the house when he kidnapped her. I'm glad that I was there." I took a step back in shock.

"Y-you're glad?! Tommy you could've died." Courtney exclaimed, thank god she said something because I would've blown up on him.

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