Unknown Caller and an Uninvited Guest

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I was getting dressed when my phone rung. My heart beat skyrocketed as I shoved my arm through the sleeve and I raced to the nightstand. As I yanked the phone off of the stand and looked at the caller ID. It was a private number. My shoulders slumped as I declined the number and locked my phone; shoving it into my jacket pocket.

"Leah, lets go. You have work in 20 minutes." I heard Courtney holler from down the stairs.

"I'm coming." I yelled back as I grabbed my ear buds and walked out of the room.

As I met Courtney outside, my phone rang again. I groaned in frustration as I fished my phone out of my pocket.

"Who is that?" Courtney asked as she pulled out of the driveway.

I declined the private number and shoved the device back into my pocket, "I don't know but whoever it is obviously doesn't know that they have the wrong number."

"Well maybe it could be..."

"It is not him, Courtney. He is back in Hollywood and probably already booking his next fucking concert." I snapped at her and then I stared at the window as my hand rested on my forehead.

"Okay jeez. I was just saying it could have been, sue me." I heard her mumble under her breath as she turned onto the street that my job was on.

Once she parked outside the store, I hopped out of the car and closed the door without even a glance back at her. I know I should go back and apologize to her; but, I'm a grown ass woman and I don't have to apologize to her anymore. I walked into the book store and the smell of old books and fresh printed paper filled my nose; calming my nerves. I walked to the back and punched in, then I walked back up to the front and started to restack the books on the shelves.

As Fall Out Boy the Phoenix blasted through my ear buds, I placed the book in my hand on the shelf. I heard the bells chime but ignored it and continued to put the books on the shelves. Once I was done, I walked with the cart back up to the front and as I looked up, my feet were frozen in their spot.

"Hello, Leah." He smirked as he leaned up against the bookshelf.

"Stay away from me." I said, as I tried to put some distance between me and him.

"Why have you been ignoring my phone calls?" He asked, his eyes calculating my every move.

"I-I never receive any phone calls." I lied.

"You're lying, Leah. Now you know how I am when someone lies to me." I watched as he pushed off the bookshelf, his eyes wild with anger and rage and I shoved the cart towards him.

I turned and ran down the row of shelves, ducking behind the last row and scrunched myself into the corner. I heard the cart smash to the ground and I heard him growl in frustration.

"You can't hide from me forever, Montgomery!" I heard him yell and then a loud crash as he knocked down one of the smaller shelves.

I cringed as I pinned my back more against the wall. I saw the shadow of him walking towards me and my breath got caught in my throat. I saw his shoes walk along the floor as he turned the corner and I watched, in fear, when he stopped right in front of me and his back was towards me. I was unable to move, paralyzed with fear that coursed through my veins. It slowly faded, replacing the fear with pure adrenaline as he turned the corner and went into the back. I took the opportunity to bolt out of the store.

As I ran down the row of books, I jumped over the fallen shelf and pulled opened the door, "Get back here you fucking bitch!" I heard him yell as he ran after me.

I ran out of the store and across the street; almost getting hit by two cars in the process. Then I ran down the side walk and as I turned the corner I bumped into someone. As we fell to the ground, I heard a groan from underneath me.

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