Pizza and.... a Kiss?!

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I woke up to the sunlight peeking through my white curtains. I rubbed my eyes as I yawned and pulled myself up into a sitting position. I threw my blanket over and swung my legs over the side of my bed. All of a sudden images from yesterday flooded my mind.

I remembered that he was going to be coming over to take me out to lunch and quickly hopped to my feet. I ran towards my closet and picked out a random plain colored t-shirt and a blue jeaned jacket. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans from my dresser drawer and threw on the outfit. Then as I pulled the jacket over my shoulders, my phone sounded.

Crossing the room in only three strides, I plopped down on my bed and grabbed my phone from my nightstand.

Adam: Hey beautiful. Ready for lunch?

Me: Hey handsome, yes I am ready.

Adam: You look so cute in your jean jacket and skinny jeans ;)

I stared at the text message in confusion until a movement caught in the corner of my eye caused me to jump, almost out of my skin.

"Adam, what the... H-how..?" My hand went to my heart afraid that it would jump right out of my chest.

"Your friend let me in. I would've been up here a ten minutes ago, but she kind of played twenty questions with me."

I slapped my palm against my forehead, "God, i'm so sorry about Courtney."

He chuckled, walking into the room and he sat on the edge of my bed, "Its okay, she is only looking out for you. Before I walked up here, she threatened me that if I don't treat you right; then she would literally hunt me down and kill me." He said, I groaned as I pinched the bridge of my nose, looking down at my comforter.

"She can be overly protective." I simply said.

I felt the bed move and I looked up. I watched as he crossed the room and looked at the picture collage that hung on my wall. Then he slowly walked around my room, checking out my trophies from softball and then he stopped at my book shelf. He lifted his finger and slowly moved it across the bindings of the books, before one caught his interest and he plucked it off of the shelf.

"I love this book." He said as he opened the book and he allowed the pages fall from his fingertips, before he placed the book back in its spot. His black leather jacket shine as the sun hit his back, the rhinestones that were on his belt casted a rainbow throughout my room as the rays of sun bounced off of them. He wore skin tight black jeans, with black boots.

He turned and I felt my heart melt as he gave me a thousand watt smile, "You ready to go?" He asked as he shoved his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket.

A smile came across my face and I nodded, "Sure lets go."

I pushed myself off of my bed, sliding my feet into my converse shoes and grabbed my phone and I hesitated when I looked at my headphones. I shrugged my shoulders and told myself that I did not need them; I turned around and he started to walk out of my room. I followed behind him. As we made our way to the door, I felt Courtney's staring eyes piercing into my back. I turned around in the doorway and met her eyes.

"Do you have everything?" She asked me.

"Yeah I have my phone." I showed her, my phone before I placed it back in my pocket of my jacket.

"Your headphones?" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders,

"I don't need them." I saw her eyebrows shoot up and she gave me a look, then I heard Adam call my name from inside his car, "Got to go. Text you later."

I threw over my shoulder as I walked out the front door. I quickly crossed the lawn and gripped the cool handle of the passenger door of his car. I took a deep breath and pulled the handle. I slid into the seat, closed the door and buckled myself in.

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