My Heart Is A Ghost Town

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Please watch the video, I demand it! JK, just please watch the video above before reading this chapter. This chapter I'm going to try something new and I'm going to dive into the glitter and leather. This chapter will be in Adam's POV.

 I'm going to be back tracking when Leah walks away from him the second time, on the street in the rain. Just so that you guys aren't confused.

Anyways, I'm going to get on with the chapter. Please don't forget to leave a comment and a vote ;)

Love you all,



-Adam's POV-

 I watched through the pouring rain as Leah, the love of my life walked out of my life. Yes I know I'm being dramatic, I'm a pretty dramatic guy but I'm not over exaggerating about this. Ever since I laid eyes on her back at the book store for the first time, I knew she was the one. After I kissed her, god my heart felt like it was going to explode. It was the best kiss of my life. The best thing in my life, besides music, just walked out of my life.

 I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I wiped it with my soaked sleeve of my jacket, seeing my makeup smeared along the grey sleeve. I turned around, walking back towards the hotel with my shoulders slumped as I weaved through the crowded sidewalk. As I got to the entrance, someone stopped in front of me and I looked at the familiar shoes.

 Hands gripped my shoulders, as Tommy shook me and forced me to stop and to look up at him.

 "What the fuck did you do?!" Tommy exclaimed, I saw his makeup running down his cheeks like black tears., his blonde hair soak and wet, sticking to his forehead.

 I slapped his hands off of my shoulders and took a step towards him, I pointed my finger and poked him in the chest, "You think I had something to do with this?! Who the fuck are you to blame me?!" He took a step back, shock plastered on his face.

 "Last time I fucking checked I was your best friend. A friend that cares a lot for the girl whos heart is now shattered, because of your fucking screw up." He shoved me back, and I stumbled back. My eyes narrowed into slits as anger boiled in my chest.

 "Did you think I told Sauli to come?! Did you really think I fucking said, 'Sauli fly all the way from LA to New York and come to my hotel room at this time, just in time for me to kiss Leah.'" Anger boiled and my eyes burned with hot tears.

 "If you didn't then who did?!" Tommy exclaimed, through his arms out and he allowed them to fall back to his sides.

 I shook my head, running my hand through my dripping wet hair and exclaimed, "I don't know, T.J! If I had any clue I would've told you by now." Then I looked at him and he was shaking his head.

 "I don't know about you, but I'm freezing my ass off. I'm going upstairs to my room to get dried off." Tommy sighed, and I watched as he walked into the hotel's entrance.

 I stood there, my head bowed as I looked at the puddle of rain that I was standing in. I saw my reflection through the rippled water, my eyes bloodshot and my face had only a sad mask that permanent saddened expression. I sighed and made my feet move so that I was walking towards the hotel's entrance.

 "Afternoon, Mr Lambert." The hotel manager greeted me from behind the desk as I passed. I gave him a nod and kept walking forward; towards the elevators.

 I pressed the button and one of the elevators automatically opened. I stepped in and pressed the button to the fourth floor. My knees bent slightly as the elevator jerked as it rose. Thoughts flashed through my mind as the elevator door opened.

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