Chapter 9 (Straub's View)

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I told James who he really was yesterday. I hate him for coming to Cube. Jake thinks that he can come onto the Cube and steal my friends and my girlfriend. That is just straight up evil. I am enraged at him for doing to this. I will get him out of the Cube and make sure that we won't come back. I have also realized that the rest of the Cube probably will think I am crazy. I won't blame them. My girlfriend's ex boyfriend is trying to get her back by going through the Cube. If a Cube member told me that I wouldn't believe them for a second. This is going to be super difficult. Better tell them now before Jake gets to them. I get Grape and Graser into a call.

"Hey dude. So I have somethings to tell you, and you probably will think I am lying and absolutely insane," I said quickly.

"Slow down dude! What is it? It can't be that insane," Graser replied.

"It is really crazy. Trust me," I said.

"Just tell us!" Grape exclaimed in annoyance.

"Okay! Okay! So you know James?" I answered.

"Yeah, why?" Graser asked back.

"Well, remember when I told you about Jake?" I continued.

"Oh right! He tried to steal Bee from you and then you beat him up," Grape said ecstatically.

"I didn't really beat him up, but whatever. He is pretending to be James and befriending the Cube, so that he can convince you guys that Bee and I as a couple isn't good. Then it would split up Bee and I," I explained. A moment of silence followed my rant. I was worried that they would think I was crazy.

"Okay. That was a lot to take in," Graser replied.

"Do you believe me?" I asked.

"Well, I will think about it," Grape answered slowly.

"Yeah, me too. We still love you dude," Graser said.

"Thanks for the support," I replied. I tried to sound happy, but inside, I am super worried. What will they think? I don't know, and I hope it is good.

Fighting for Love {A Straubee Fanfiction} Book 2 of the Straubee SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now