She's a Keeper (20)

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Niall wiped off the girls' arms from his and walked over to me. He laced his arm around my lower back, "Kayla, this is Holly. And this is her boyfriend, Scott, right man? Yeh, Holly's my ex girlfriend"

I cringed when the words 'ex girlfriend' left his mouth. I'm already having bad feelings about this girl. "Girlfriend?" I look up at Niall worryingly. Tears were starting to form on the corners of my eyes.

He looked concerned, "No babe, you know she's not. EX girlfriend" he said looking down at me.

I nodded slightly. "Okay."

"Kay, that's her boyfriend over there! No worries" Niall pointed to Scott over by the kitchen entrance, still holding the tray. "Hey man, you can put it down. It looks awfully hot" gesturing Scott to put own the food.

"Over here?" Scott asked, putting it down on the counter.

Niall nodded and directed his attention back to us, "Holly, this is Kayla. My girlfriend"

"Girlfriend?" She scoffed, "You can do better" she said looking at me.

"That is it Holly, we can go now. Thanks Niall and thank you Kayla. We should get going now, Merry Christmas!" Scott said as he tugged at Holly's arm.

"I'm just kidding! You two look absolutely smitten" she put on a smile that made me feel nauseous. She walked over to me and gave me a small hug, "I've banged him before" she whispered. I barely figured out what she said until I put the pieces together a split second later.


"Merry Christmas Niall," she gave Niall a hug, making me quite uncomfortable because if the situation. "And to you too, Kayla"

"Well good night now! You two drive safely and Merry Christmas!" Niall said as he followed behind Scott and Holly, ushering them out the door. He waved to them as they got into the car, but quickly slammed the front door closed. "That was awkward"

"She told me she banged you" I tilted me head to look up at him.

His eyes widened, "did she really? Don't mind her. She was the past and you're the present. I took nearly 6 years to get you and I am not letting you go that quickly. And on top of that, she was way too clingy and I broke up with her when I auditioned for X-Factor to focus on my goals."

"Yeah, you've told me. Whatever, I'm over it." I said as I guided the both if us back into the kitchen to continue the conversation with Bobby. "Let's help your dad set up the table"


"Thank you Mr. Horan for all the wonderful food tonight!" I said as I placed the fine china into the dishwasher.

"No, no! Call me Bobby! I don't like me family to call me that formally!" Bobby said behind me. "And yes, I did indeed say family!"

"Bobby! Stop embarrassing the girl! She's never going to come back if you keep making her feel uncomfortable!" Niall wrapped arms around my waist from behind me and rested his chin on my shoulder. "Let's go mingle with the family! And the cake! C'mon!"

"Don't you dare tell me you're hungry again. You already ate some of my beef!" I exclaimed, making Bobby laugh. We had such a fancy dinner tonight. Spiced Beef, accompanied by various store-bought chutneys, braised cabbage, potatoes in the Irish way, and some soda bread. And now, we're going to eat some Christmas cake. Boy am I full though, but clearly, Niall-boy here isn't.

I volunteered to clean the dishes while everyone was gathered around the dinner table talking. Mostly because I feel really uncomfortable in awkward situations and family dinners in another persons house is bound to be awkward. I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and texted Jenni, to save me if things get awkward and so I can just look down at my phone and make my situation soften. 'Merry Christmas hoe! Im in Ireland! Niall's house... I'm scared things might get awwkk.. Entertain me'

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