Perry the Platypus? (11)

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"So.." he asked. It has been nearly two minutes in awkward silence. In which, those two minutes felt like hours.

"So.. I have a question. Aren't you originally a brunette?" I needed to start a conversation. One of my pet peeves, well not really pet peeve, but it really annoys me when there are awkward moments. I hate it. I always think it's my fault and i have no idea what they're thinking. They might me thinking things like: Why isn't she talking?, She's so awkward, Is she shy or something?

"Yeah, I dyed my hair after that summer with you."

After that summer with me? Huh. I see. "To escape the chances of me finding you?" Why the fuck do I always do this? I need to stop overreacting. It seems like I'm a bipolar pregnant lady right now. I hate this.

"No! Listen to me, it's not because of you. Don't think wrong things okay?" He tried explaining.

Blah blah blah. What a douche i am. "And why is it then?"

"It's because of the things you said to me. You made me feel special. Special enough to know that whatever I do, i will always have people supporting me. So I decided to dye my hair a little to see it people would like it. Some of my other friends actually like it so I decided to keep it going."

What the hell did I say to make a 12 year old little boy dye their hair? "What the hell did I say?"

"You told me; and I remember absolutely clearly, 'I like you for who you are. Never change okay James? Even if you do change one day, just remember these set of words: You are who you are, not one person can judge you and keep you strangled in their eyes or view."

I said that? Damn, that doesn't sound like my words. Does that even make sense? Strangled in their eyes? "How do you remember that? Even after all these years?"

He took a deep breath, "Because those were one of the last words you said to me and I want to tell myself that you are not like the rest. You have a special place in my heart and I never want it to disappear."

*^*^*^Nialls P.O.V*^*^*^

I swear, this is the most I have talked during these few days after I saw Kayla again rather than that afternoon that nearly ruined the only chance I could've being friends again with her. I don't know man, whenever I am with her, I just feel so special. Although it has only been two days, the way she looks at me is just, just different.

I want to tell her that I still have feeling towards her but I'm just too afraid of what would happen next. I guess it is partly my fault for promising that I would look for her aft that summer but I didn't. It's all my fault. Especially my stupidity acted up and told the world that my first kiss was to some French exchange student and said was terrible. The only reason I said it was terrible was because I felt as if I wasn't good enough for her. Although, at least I did get the fact that we were 12 right. I think.

"So..." the words came out of my mouth quicker than I can catch it. I guess it was necessary. After I blurted out that I 'broke' the elevator, Kayla kinda freaked out and there was an awkward silence between us. I hate awkward silences especially when we're in a small space like an elevator. I am claustrophobic.

-time flies because I'm superman-

The big elevator doors cranked open and a view of hairiness appeared. In comes Harry attacking Kayla with a hug, not even caring if I was there or not. Like I was invisible practically. "You two talking?" I barely heard him say. She replied him with a nod and returned him the hug.

"Hey man, I think you scared Kayla half to death." he said aloud whilst glancing at me. "I'm not sure what you said to each other but I'm glad that the two of you are talking now." he whispered.

Fate Brought Us Together (a 1D story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant