Ireland and America (17)

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I looked down at the writing on the sheet of paper, "NO. WAY."

"YES. WAY" he imitated my excitement. I slapped him playfully on his chest with the papers. "What do you think? Merry Christmas princess!"

"I love it Niall! Thank you thank you thank you!" Mwaahh I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. It sent a tingly feeling throughout my body that ran down my back. I was about to place it on the bed but my fingers slipped, revealing another paper behind the first. I scanned it really quickly. "NO. FUCKING. WAY"

"YES. FUCKING. WAY. Hahaha" once again, Niall imitated my expression. "Look at the date and time for the top one baby," I did as he told. My eyes widened. "I know it's kind of a hurry, but, we had to make it to Louis's party so it's kinda a last minute thing"

I stood up from my bed and buried my head into Niall's neck and murmured, "This can't get any better. You're amazing!"

"Can't get any better? Huh?" He wrapped his arms around my waist "What if I told you that I'm going with you?" I picked up my head to look at his beautiful blue orbs and gave him a glowing smile.

The long pieces of paper weren't any ordinary sheets of paper. They were plane tickets; plane tickets that flew from Britain to Dublin and from Dublin to New York. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't contain my emotions.

"Babe! Why are you crying again?!" He exclaimed.

"I'm an emotional person okay? Hehe" I chuckled.

The tickets were for 13:05. I quickly glanced over to the vintage clock hung on my wall: 4:49 AM.

"WE NEED TO PACK!" I scrambled over to the walk in closet in the room but clumsily tripped. The room suddenly turned VERY warm "You did not see that."

He quickly responded to my movements and came over to help me up. But he, as well, clumsily tripped over his feet and face planted onto the carpeted floor. Guess we're more alike then I expected! "YOU did not see that! Oh god. Are you okay?"

"I think the real question is: are YOU okay!? You frickin face planted onto the floor!" We helped the both of us up while clutching to our stomachs from the pain of laughing.

Niall examined my body, "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm looking for any cuts on your body! I don't want you bleeding or anything!"

I grabbed his hands and put the on my face. "Niall. I just tripped onto the floor. I didn't trip and fell off the Empire State Building, I'm fine!" He nodded his head like a bobble head and flashed me his glowing braces teeth.

Ahh, the braces stage. I still remember those hard days. Seventh grade, I believe it was. It was indeed painful but it was worth it all because now I have presentable teeth!

"Let's get packing! I already started packing, you want me to help you?" He clapped his hands together and rubbed it together. "Here, how about I help you by getting your suitcase?"


"Is your suitcase in there?" He pointed to inside my closet "Which one do you want to bring?"


"Today's the 25th," he started whispering to himself "and we're coming back on the 2nd."


"So that's" he counted on his fingers "Eight days?"


"Okay, so it doesn't get that cold at home. Maybe around 6 or 7. But it doesn't really require thick jackets..."

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