Kayla's Palace Tour (23)

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Chapter 23



The front door creeped open to reveal the luxurious inside of my house. Despite the fact that it was my house after all, Jenni volunteered to give Niall the house tour instead of me. But I made sure to give the upstairs tour, mostly because there are many sentimental things on that floor.

Brightness overwhelmed the room as the lights turned on, showing the fancy chandelier that hung under the tall ceiling and run above the staircase that ran in circles up the two upper floors. Jake was ordered to turn on the heat as the house was like the winter breeze that just bit the cheeks of a baby's face. Or in other words, FREEZING.

"Tada! Welcome Mr. Horan, I will be taking you on a tour today at the Bynre home," Jenni announced as if like a house real estate would say. "Or as Jake and I always say: Kayla's Palace"

Niall grasped onto my fingers tightly to tell me that he was fairly excited to finally get to see the house that I've always talked about in front of the boys, back in London. "This place really is beautiful, Kayla! I've got to show the boys!" He exclaimed in awe.

"Hi, uhm, yeah Niall? Would you like to tell Harry about this magnificent house?" Jenni emphasized on the 'magnificent', "Because if you do, I wouldn't mind exchanging a few words with the man!" She squealed slightly after the words had left her mouth. This child needs serious help.

He nodded, "Yeah! I'll ring him up in a bit. I should text him to see where he is so I won't bother him if he's busy" Niall pulled out his phone with his empty hand and entered his pass code. He gave me his phone to type the message to 'Harry Styles' while he continued on with the house tour conducted by Jenni. I typed in the message: Hazzahh, where are you? You busy bro? Kayla wants to talk to you. Hurry and reply hoe xx

"Oh my god. Can you say that again?"

"Say what?" Niall said confusingly.

She galloped in place, "That you'll ring him up in a bit?"

"I'll ring him up in a bit? That?" Niall trailed off in a question.

Words weren't able to be articulated, but instead, a squeal was let out of her mouth. "Ring Kayla! An English term! Oh my god, I can't get over this day!" She exclaimed then sighed.

"Jenni, I've practically heard it everyday for a whole month when I was in Britain. They get sooo many calls a day!" I said, and I was certainly not exaggerating. Being the superstars they are, and their busy schedules, they get at least a call each hour. "C'mon! Get the tour going! I don't even want to tour my own house anymore if we're not gonna see anything!"

"Fine! Now Niall, our first stop is on our left hand side, AKA the Music Room!" She slid open the double doors to show a relatively darker room, which was filled with instruments from guitars to pianos.

Niall let go of my hand and directly ran to the guitars, "You play?" I nodded. "Why didn't you ever tell us? Or me?!"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I didn't feel that comfortable in front of all of you? I knew that you guys will force me to play, and I honestly just don't like to be in front of people. I write more than play really. I rarely even play for Jenni or Jake, unless they request a song and I say yes to it. And plus, I'm not a professional so I wouldn't want to embarrass myself. I don't want to get pathetic or sympathetic compliments that mean nothing whatsoever."

"But you've lived with a boy band for a whole month and you managed to hide this many things from us? I don't know how you do it, but I really want to know how you do it!" Niall said. He picked up the brown acoustic guitar that laid on its stand. "Can I play?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2013 ⏰

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