The trees were so big and tall, Kiedi guessed they were about 30 feet tall. They created a canopy over the path. The trunks of the trees were covered in mushrooms and flowers grew upwards in vines straining for sunlight.

"I hear water," Kiedi said to Kelly.

"Me too"

The two of them reached a break in the trees and saw a river in front of them; it was made sparkly by the sun shining down on it. Kelly hopped off her bike and raced to the river stripping as she went.

"Let's go for a swim," she smiled.

Kiedi was already out of her top and shimming out of her shorts. The two of them swam in the cooling waters of the river. When the sun started going down Kiedi swam back to the banking.

"Come on Kells, it's getting late and dad might be worrying where we are," Kiedi shouted to Kelly who was floating.

"Fine but promise me that we can come back here," Kelly said as she joined Kiedi on the banking and they got dressed.

"Sure," Kiedi said and they both got back on their bikes and rode back to the house.

"That was fun," Kelly said as they put up the bikes in the garage. Kiedi agreed with her and they went to the kitchen. Their dad was waiting for them.

"Where were you girls," He asked as soon as they stepped foot in the kitchen. "You're both dripping wet. Why are you wet?"

"I found some bikes in the garage," Kiedi explained, "and I thought Kells and I could go for a ride-"

"We found this river it was so amazing daddy we just couldn't leave without going for a swim," Kelly cut in with a huge grin on her face.

"Oh I see," Mr. Russell started off firmly, "Well next time... you better invite me," He smiled. Kiedi looked at her dad and shook her head.

"The old owners must have left their bikes by accident," Kiedi said as she took the meat out of the freezer and put it in the sink to thaw out.

"Yeah probably," Mr. Russell agreed.

Kiedi and Kelly left him and went upstairs so they could take a shower and wash off the sweat and river water off them. Kiedi finished and towel dried her hair then went downstairs to start dinner- fried chicken and mashed potatoes. She'd been doing the cooking and most of the house duties for as long as she could remember and Kiedi didn't mind it. As a matter of fact other than reading cooking was Kiedi's favourite past time.

The next morning Kiedi actually woke up and was pumped to go to school. It was because she had actual friends their now and because that's where you'll see Lukas, she told herself. She smiled and went into the shower. Half an hour later Kiedi was dressed and ready for school.

"Hey Carl wait up," Kelly yelled as she and Kiedi shut their lockers at school and the bell rang. Carl waved at her and stopped.

"You're friends with Carl?" Kiedi asked. Yeah she was friends with most people but Carl just didn't seem like her type of people.

"Yeah he's in my human and social biology class. He's a really cool guy," Kelly said then patted Kiedi's shoulder and went over to him.

"Hey Kie what's up?" Leo said as he sat next to her in their biology class.


"Sorry again about Saturday," he apologized.

"Hey it's cool I had fun with Luke. How's the nosebleed?"

"Yeah I'm fine. It stopped almost as soon as it started," He smiled. The teacher came in then with a pop quiz and there was no further talking.

Later when it was lunch time Kiedi was disappointed when she didn't see Luke at their lunch table.

Beneath and BeyondOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora