I brainstorm for a second before coming up with a pretty good idea. "We have the extra building behind the office. There's also a small studio building for rent in town."

"Not bad. I don't know what he'll prefer. So I'll have him decide when he gets there."

"Do you know when he'll get here?"

"In the next few days, but I don't know exactly when. He'll drive himself into town, so you won't have to worry about picking him up or anything."

"Alright. Is there anything else?"

"I think that's it. I want to thank you. You've made this a whole lot easier for me to work out," he gratefully says.

"No problem. Well, I have to get going, but I'll be sure to contact you after I meet with the author you were talking about."

"Until next time, Ms. Garner."

I hang up and call Violet. "I've got some exciting news for you."

"And what's that?" she asks.

"Your nephew is coming to stay in town, and he is going to stay at your bed and breakfast. I hope that's okay," I tell her quickly.

"W-wow. I didn't expect that. I haven't seen him since he was a child. He's really coming?"

"He is. He needs a break from the press. Apparently, his new album has been a hit."

"I always knew he had talent. I just wish I could've watched him grow up. He always loved to sing," she says sadly.

"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened?" I ask her a little hesitantly.

"Oh Kate, I wish I could tell you, but I'm swamped. If you want to meet with me soon, we can do that. I need to go, though. I'm sorry," she tells me.

"No, I shouldn't have asked. I'll let you go, and I apologize for being nosy."

"I'll tell you soon. Come by tonight or tomorrow. We can talk then."

I smile. "I'll be sure to do that. Goodbye."

"Bye," she says right before hanging up.

I pull my car into the garage and turn it off. I stick the keys into my purse and open my door. I gather all of my things and hurry inside the house. I set all of my things on the couch before I turn on the TV and go to the kitchen to fix some dinner for myself.

I quickly eat before going to my bedroom. The events of the day have made me very tired. I take a quick shower before jumping into bed and turning off the lights.

"Good morning, Miss Garner," the receptionist greets me.

I smile at her and walk straight to my office. I call my secretary in and ask her to sit down.

"We need some more employees, and I've been thinking about hiring from the small college just a few towns away. You went there, right?" I explain to her.

She nods her head and says, "I think that'll be a great idea! I know that college students are always looking for a place to intern or get a job."

"Great! Could you please send an email out to the college and see if we can get this announcement out as soon as possible?"

"Right away, Miss Garner!"

I smile at her enthusiasm as she walks out of the room. I turn my computer on and keep drafting my contract. Later on, I start looking at the finances and look at potential authors.

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